Author Archives: yun

Clinicians should consider masking during elevated respiratory viral activity, experts say

August 12, 2023 2 min read Source/Disclosures Published by: Disclosures: Klompas reports receiving institutional grant funding from AHRQ, CDC, and Massachusetts Department of Public Health as well as royalties from UpToDate for chapters on pneumonia. Please see the study for all other authors’ relevant financial disclosures. Stiller reports no relevant financial disclosures. ADD TOPIC TO […]

Stanford Blood Center in urgent need of blood donations

The Stanford Blood Center is facing an urgent need for blood donations right now and is calling on the community for help. “August is often a challenging time for blood collection with many regular donors traveling and families focused on back-to-school preparations,” a statement from the blood center said. “Unfortunately, this August is no exception […]

LifeStream Blood Bank donates blood to Hawaiian wildfire victims

LifeStream Blood Bank has sent 60 pints of blood products to the Blood Bank of Hawaii to aid the victims of the recent surging wildfires in Maui. More than 60 people have died in the fires, leaving dozens seriously injured. Hawaiian hospitals in Maui and Oahu are seriously impacted by burn victims, reports say. “LifeStream […]

Donors needed to raise blood supply to sufficient levels

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. (WTAP) – The American Red Cross is looking for donors for an upcoming blood drive in Wirt County. The American Red Cross Ohio River Valley district executive director, Sharon Kesselring said blood supply has slightly fallen. Kesselring said this is due to the expected drop in donors because of back-to-school events. She added […]

Game-Changing Potential – New Tiny Human Heart Model Carries Massive Implications

Scientists have developed a miniature human heart model, using human induced pluripotent stem cells, that could revolutionize drug testing and cardiovascular research. This breakthrough not only offers unprecedented insights into heart function but also presents a potential ethical alternative to animal testing in the pharmaceutical industry. Credit: Tissue Dynamics A team of researchers, led by […]

No, you don’t have the ‘August flu.’ It’s probably COVID.

If you have a headache, fever or sniffles it’s likely COVID-19, not the “August flu.” It’s rare to get the flu in the summer, an expert told Insider, but COVID-19 is still around.  If you have flu symptoms, experts recommend getting tested for COVID-19 and staying home. Loading Something is loading. Thanks for signing up! […]

Upcoming blood donation opportunities

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Bangladesh dengue outbreak tops 80,000 cases, circulating DENV2 may result in more severe infections

NewsDesk @bactiman63 The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh reports 80,074 total dengue fever cases through August 11, with cases nearly evenly split between the capital city of Dhaka and outside of Dhaka. 2019 saw the most cases on record with 101,354 cases. To date, 373 dengue related fatalities have been reported, nearly […]