Author Archives: yun

How often-discarded blood samples could track Canadians’ health

Open this photo in gallery: Blood samples from volunteers are handled in the laboratory at Imperial College in London on July 30, 2020.The Associated Press At the height of the pandemic, Canadians became familiar with the concept of waste-water testing to track SARS-CoV-2 through human waste flushed down the toilet. But there is another bodily […]

More gay men can give blood as ‘one of the most significant changes in blood banking history’ gets underway

CNN  —  Back when Kody Kinsley was in high school, he was so dedicated to boosting the US blood supply that he helped run blood drives. But Monday will be the first time as an adult that Kinsley — now the secretary of North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services — will actually be […]

Revolutionary Treatment Emerges in the Battle Against Deadly Fungi

Researchers have found a novel way to combat fungal infections by blocking the fungi’s production of fatty acids. The new compound, NPD6433, has shown effectiveness across a broad spectrum of fungi and offers hope in the face of increasing global drug resistance. Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Research Science (CSRS) and the University […]

More gay and bisexual men can donate blood under new FDA guidelines

Starting Monday, more gay and bisexual men can donate blood under new guidelines from the U.S.Food and Drug Administration. North Carolina’s health secretary will be among the first in line. Gay and bisexual men no longer must abstain from all sex for three months before donating blood. Only people who’ve had anal sex with new […]

UK man catches mysterious never-before-seen infection after being bitten by cat

A UK man has baffled doctors after he developed a mysterious bacterial infection after he was bitten by a stray cat. The 38-year-old endured “painful” hand swelling, puncture wounds and abrasions around eight hours after the feral feline attacked him. Doctors, who classed him as obese, said the man was rushed to hospital following the […]

Love and blood: Greenville’s roller derby is a rough-and-tumble haven

GREENVILLE — Huddled in their designated corner before the bout, the players of the Greenville Roller Derby tug on skates and loop laces into tiny bows. Joining the notes of laughter and chatter in the rink is the short crackle of padding being fastened, ripped off and fastened again as they adjust their mouth guards. An […]

UK man bitten by cat suffers excruciating infection caused by unknown bacteria

A MAN was left with an excruciating infection caused by a previously unknown bacteria after he was bit by a cat. The obese man, 48, rushed to an emergency department in Cambridge after his hand started to swell. A man from Cambridge’s hand (pictured) swelled up after he was bitten by a feral cat. The […]

Exact time you should fall asleep every night to reduce risk of ‘silent killer’

Experts have shared the best time to hit the hay if you want to lower your risk of serious heart problems. Cardiovascular disease describes several conditions that often don’t exhibit symptoms until they have progressed. A study has linked the “silent killer” to sleep and found a “best bedtime” to help keep it at bay. […]

DOH: 977 new COVID-19 infections from July 31 to August 6

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health (DOH) on Monday said it recorded  977 COVID-19 infections from July 31 to August 6, lower than the 1,302 recorded the previous week. Based on the DOH’s latest data, the total translated to a daily average of 140, 25 percent lower than the 186 recorded daily average from […]