Author Archives: yun

‘Great for women’s health’: Pharmacists in WA will soon be able to prescribe antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections

Pharmacists in Western Australia will soon be able to prescribe antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections, allowing for faster treatment. Key points: Previously, only doctors in WA could prescribe antibiotics to treat UTIs Pharmacists will need to complete an online training course The move follows a successful trial in Queensland The state government has amended […]

Ionis, Novartis to develop medicine for cardiovascular disease

Pelacarsen is an investigational antisense medicine designed to reduce the production of apolipoprotein(a) in the liver. Credit: Explode / Ionis Pharmaceuticals has signed a collaboration and licence agreement with Novartis to advance a next-generation programme targeting lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The partnership will discover, develop and commercialise the medicine for patients with […]

Congressional delegation to tour blood-stained halls where Parkland school massacre happened

PARKLAND, Fla. — Nine members of Congress are expected to tour the blood-stained and bullet-pocked halls at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Friday, shortly before ballistics technicians reenact the massacre that left 14 students and three staff members dead. Few have been inside the three-story building since the Valentine’s Day 2018 shooting. The structure […]

BHS will host blood drive – Daily Advocate & Early Bird News

<a href="" data-caption=" You could win Bengals season tickets by donating blood. “> You could win Bengals season tickets by donating blood. BRADFORD — Community Blood Center has a critical need for type O and type B-negative blood. Enter the August “Let’s Go with Joe” campaign to win Bengals season tickets by donating at the […]

How Can Moderate Drinking Promote Heart Health? Perhaps By Helping Your Brain

For decades, studies have linked light and moderate drinking to improved cardiovascular health. Modest amounts of alcohol have been found to increase HDL cholesterol (the “good” kind) and inhibit the formation of blood clots that can cause heart attack and stroke. But a recent study, published in June in the Journal of the American College […]

$3.5 Million Awarded in Cancer Research Grants to Qualified Research Institutions Across New Jersey

TRENTON ­– The New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research (NJCCR) has awarded nearly $3.5 million in state Fiscal Year 2023 funding to 21 peer-reviewed cancer research grants and fellowships to support discovery-oriented cancer research. The 11-member NJCCR is the state’s only cancer commission that promotes basic, translational, fellowships and pilot cancer research grants to qualified […]

Breastfeeding boosts mom’s cardiovascular health for at least 3 years

A new study has found that women who breastfeed their babies for at least six months can improve their cardiovascular and metabolic health for at least three years. Importantly, the benefits were seen in women with complicated pregnancies, too, who are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. The health benefits breastfeeding provides […]

This One Bad Habit Could Increase Risk Of Covid Infection, Says Study

Rhinotillexis is an underestimated cause of Covid transmission. Nose picking is an unusual practice that some people do to remove irritating boogers, and others may do so out of habit. However, according to a new study, this habit could put you at risk of contracting the coronavirus. A team of scientists in the Netherlands undertook […]

World Health Organization Includes the Cardiovascular Polypill in its list of Essential Medicines after a Groundbreaking Study Led by the President of Mount Sinai Heart

August 3, 2023 — The cardiovascular polypill, developed by the Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) and the pharmaceutical company Ferrer, has been included by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its List of Essential Medicines.  The medication, known as a “polypill,” includes three active ingredients (acetylsalicylic acid, ramipril, and atorvastatin) and is effective in preventing secondary adverse cardiovascular […]