Author Archives: yun

Failing to protect health care workers comes at too great a cost

While health care workers played a critical role in saving people’s lives, they faced a much higher risk of infection and death, particularly in the early stages of the pandemic. This is largely because they were not protected by sufficient infection prevention and control (IPC) protocols – basic measures that should be present in every […]

Scientists slow aging in mice by transfusing young blood

In a study straight out of science fiction, scientists have increased the lifespans of old mice by 10 percent by fusing them and their bloodstreams with younger animals. For the first time, the team was able to demonstrate that the anti-aging effects of these young blood transfusions could last for months after the procedure, resulting […]

Young mouse blood extends lives of older ones while rejuvenating them

The blood of a young individual may contain cells, proteins or other components that have rejuvenating properties Alamy Stock Photo Surgically attaching old mice to young mice for three months turns back the biological age of the older individuals and extends their lifespan after they are detached. The finding adds to a large body of […]

Factors Influencing Outcomes in ED Patients with Suspected Infections and without Meeting Sepsis Criteria

The following is a summary of “Predictors of outcomes in emergency department patients with suspected infections and without fulfillment of the sepsis criteria,” published in the June 2023 issue of Emergency Medicine by Nielsen et al. There are data on patient characteristics and predictors of severe outcomes for acutely admitted patients with infections who do […]

NYSDOH urges New Yorkers to take steps to prevent rabies infections

ALBANY, N.Y. — The New York State Department of Health is urging New Yorkers to take precautions to prevent rabies infections in people and pets. Rabies is a deadly disease caused by the rabies virus. The virus attacks the central nervous system and can be transmitted from infected mammals to humans and other mammals. If […]

A blood test to replace amniocentesis: Israeli startup’s safe alternative

Invasive tests such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) are considered the most reliable way to identify genetic disorders during pregnancy, but are stressful for women as they carry a certain amount of risk to the fetus. For this and other reasons, many pregnant women do not take these important tests. Though noninvasive prenatal […]