Author Archives: yun

This Thanksgiving, pass lifesaving blood clot prevention advice around the table

Thanksgiving marks the day when extended families gather around the table to count our blessings. It’s an opportunity to catch up with loved ones, swap embarrassing stories about growing up, and hear the same story that grandpa got so much joy from telling the first 19 times.  An important topic of discussion for this year’s […]

Global Registries And Surveys Programme of the ESC

GRASP is a programme of observational, multicenter, international, prospective and retrospective, longitudinal and cross-sectional studies with the aim to capture real world evidence. The main objectives of GRASP are: To evaluate the implementation of ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines, aiming to close the gap between guideline standards and clinical practice, and to identify gaps in adherence […]

10 Best Home Upgrades for Your Health

As a homeowner, you have the power to transform your living space into a sanctuary of health and wellness. With advancements in technology and innovative design approaches, simple upgrades can significantly enhance your overall well-being. From purifying the air you breathe to optimizing natural light and making thoughtful choices for your home’s elements, there are […]

Can CBD Improve Gut Health?

Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound derived from the cannabis plant, has gained considerable attention as a natural remedy with the potential to alleviate various health issues, among them, those directly related to the well-being of your gut. In recent years, numerous studies have emerged, shedding valuable light on the manifold positive impacts that CBD can […]

HHC In 2023: Everything You Need To Know

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, we are confronted with a wave of changes, some anticipated and others unforeseen. Among these changes looms the introduction of HHC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in 2023, a development that could potentially revolutionize our lives and introduce exciting possibilities. In this extended discussion, we aim to provide you […]

Universal DX and Quest partner for colorectal cancer blood test

Share this article The Signal-C test leverages NGS and bioinformatics to detect methylated DNA patterns and fragments shed by colorectal cancer tumours circulating in the blood stream. Credit: Tatiana from Pixabay. Universal DX (UDX) and Quest Diagnostics have signed a commercial agreement for an advanced colorectal cancer screening blood test in the US. Under the […]

Best Hospitals to Treat Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, a devastating disease, is responsible for a significant portion of all cancer-related deaths. Shockingly, lung cancer claims more lives than the combined total of colon, prostate, and breast cancers. The nature of lung cancer is characterized by its relentless progression, high tendency to relapse, and rapid and early metastasis, resulting in an often […]

My baby daughter’s ‘eczema’ turned out to be a deadly infection

WHEN baby Nancy Shave developed a rash on her face, her mum thought it was just her eczema playing up. But five days later, devastated Melissa Shave, 32, was told to say goodbye to her little girl who, aged just 20 months, had, in fact, developed Strep A. Three-year-old Nancy Shave, of Madeley, Newcastle under […]

COVID’s evolution may have been driven by human behavior, say biologists

Human behavior may have influenced the evolution of new strains of COVID-19, new AI models suggest. Vaccination and immune pressures from previous infections are known to cause the emergence of new strains of virus, evolved to bypass our existing immunity. But research from Nagoya University in Japan suggests that our own behavior may have also […]