Author Archives: yun

WHO warns of disease spread in Gaza

WHO warns of disease spread in Gaza | The Hill Skip to content The World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday warned of the rapid spread of infectious diseases in Gaza as basic necessities run out and fighting rages between Israel and Hamas. The WHO said “intense overcrowding” coupled with disrupted health, water and sanitation systems, […]

8 Things Aspiring Entrepreneurs Must Do Before 8 a.m.

The world of entrepreneurship is known for its fast pace, high demands, and competitive nature. Aspiring entrepreneurs often find themselves juggling various responsibilities, managing time effectively, and staying motivated. One strategy that has proven to be successful for many successful entrepreneurs is the concept of the “morning routine.” By accomplishing specific tasks and rituals before […]

Using Social Proof: A Guide to Get More Customers to Buy

In today’s hyperconnected digital world, consumers are inundated with choices. Whether they’re shopping online, considering a new restaurant, or evaluating a service provider, they often turn to social proof to make informed decisions. Social proof, in the form of reviews, testimonials, endorsements, and other indicators of trust, can significantly impact a consumer’s purchasing behavior. In […]

10 Amazing Entrepreneurial Tricks on How to Use Google Trends

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, staying ahead of trends and understanding consumer behavior is paramount to success. Google Trends is a very useful tool that can tell you a lot about what people are looking for online. From product development to marketing strategy, entrepreneurs can leverage Google Trends to make data-driven decisions. In this […]

AI Predicts Sudden Cardiac Death and Cardiovascular Risk

Image: AI could accurately detect heart valve disease and predict cardiovascular risk (Photo courtesy of 123RF) Recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to promising developments in the healthcare sector, especially in heart health monitoring and risk prediction for cardiovascular diseases. At the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023, researchers presented two studies showcasing […]

What Is Google AMP? A Quick and Easy Guide

Web page speed and performance are of the utmost importance now that mobile devices are the primary means of accessing the internet. In response to consumer frustration with sites that take too long to load, Google developed Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source framework created to hasten the loading […]

10 Great Customer Service Ideas to Surprise and Charm Shoppers

Providing outstanding service to customers is no longer a luxury in today’s competitive market. There is a lot of competition in the retail industry, so stores who go above and beyond for their consumers will stand out and create loyal clientele. In this article, we’ll explore 10 great customer service ideas that can help businesses […]

Winning Ecommerce: Strategies for Competing with Amazon

Amazon is like Goliath in the world of shopping. It is the biggest online store and sets high standards for what customers should expect. Competing with Amazon as an ecommerce marketer may seem daunting, but it’s far from impossible. With the right strategies and a customer-centric approach, ecommerce businesses can carve out their niche, thrive, […]

The Best Types of Social Media to Use for an Online Business

Social media platforms have rapidly expanded in importance in the modern day. With billions of people active on various social platforms, it’s no surprise that businesses, including online ventures, have harnessed the power of social media to expand their reach and connect with their target audience. Whether you’re running a small e-commerce store or a […]

Weight Loss Drug Wegovy May Soon Get Expanded FDA Approval

Share on PinterestThe popular weight loss drug Wegovy may soon receive expanded FDA approval due to its potential to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. kali9/Getty Images Wegovy may soon receive approval as a treatment to reduce cardiovascular disease risk. According to a Novo Nordisk rep, approval could come within six months. This is […]