Author Archives: yun

Nearly 1 million chickens infected with bird flu in Minnesota to be killed, per USDA

Nearly 1 million chickens in Minnesota have contracted the bird flu in one flock there, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported this week and under federal guidelines, will be killed in an effort to prevent the disease from spreading. The highly-contagious avian influenza virus was mainly found at a farm in Wright County, located in […]

Dr Erik Wallstroem and Tom Snow Highlight New MS Treatments Aimed at Smoldering Inflammation

Erik Wallstroem, MD, Phd, Global Head of Development, Neurology and Ophthalmology, and Tom Snow, Global Franchise Head, Neurology and Rare Blood Disorders, of Sanofi, sat to discuss 3 new treatments in multiple sclerosis (MS). Findings presented at ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS 2023 demonstrated the efficacy of these treatment in reaching the central nervous system (CNS) and impact smoldering […]

AHA: High Cardiovascular Health Linked to Lower Phenotypic Age

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 8, 2023 (HealthDay News) — There is an inverse association for cardiovascular health (CVH) with phenotypic age (PhenoAge) and phenotypic age acceleration (PhenoAgeAccel), according to a study to be presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2023, held from Nov. 11 to 13 in Philadelphia. Rahul Hosalili, from the Columbia University Irving […]

Many mpox patients have other sexually transmitted infections, study shows

NIAID / Flickr A large proportion of mpox patients in Chicago last year and early this year also had other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, predisposing them to severe mpox and potentially contributing to spread of the virus, finds a study led by Chicago Department of Public Health researchers. The findings, published today […]

AI-Powered Genomic Analysis: Revolutionizing the Detection of Genetic Mutations

Introduction Understanding genetic mutations    The power of AI in genomics analysis   Applications in healthcare and industry   The future of genetic mutation detection  ConclusionReferences Further reading Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a potent tool in identifying genetic mutations. By leveraging AI capabilities, scientists can rapidly and accurately analyze vast amounts of data. This innovative technology facilitates the detection of mutations, leading to […]

Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander adults have second-highest cardiovascular death rate in the U.S.

Separating mortality data for Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander adults from Asian American adults reveals large differences in how cardiovascular disease affects these populations, according to a new analysis. Cardiovascular death rates for Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders are substantially higher than those for Asian American adults, second only to those for Black adults, the […]

Blueprint Gala to raise funds for the Hamilton Cardiovascular Institute

#inform-video-player-1 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #inform-video-player-2 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } Hamilton Health Care System announces plans for its inaugural gala, Blueprint, a black-tie fundraiser scheduled for Saturday evening, Jan. 20, 2024. The celebratory evening will honor Hamilton’s foundation as an innovative healthcare system, and raise funds to support Hamilton’s […]

Bringing Polygenics Into Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis

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How Stress Affects Heart Health

For many people, stress is part of everyday life. The demands of work, family, and other quotidian pressures can leave one feeling angry, agitated, anxious, downtrodden, or burned out. While these kinds of day-to-day challenges are often described as mild forms of stress, the reality is that some people will experience them more often and […]