Author Archives: yun

What Is Capsaicin?

While the name “capsaicin” may not be a household term for most, you are likely well-acquainted with its fiery taste, which leaves an unforgettable burning sensation on your taste buds. Capsaicin, the fiery compound found in chili peppers, is the secret behind that culinary excitement, setting your mouth ablaze with heat and adding a bold […]

Seborrheic Keratosis

In the intricate tapestry of dermatological phenomena, seborrheic keratosis (seb-o-REE-ik ker-uh-TOE-sis) emerges as a common protagonist—a benign skin growth that gracefully traverses the canvas of aging. As individuals mature, these noncancerous growths make their presence known, adorned in hues of brown, black, or light tan. Their waxy or scaly appearance, slightly raised and often clustering […]

6 Ways That Owning a Dog Can Majorly Boost Your Longevity

Introduction In the past year, the lives of my octogenarian parents have undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, thanks to the addition of Maisy, a delightful puppy, to our family. At the tender age of 80, my parents have discovered newfound physical and mental vitality, engaging in activities such as daily walks spanning several miles, fostering new […]

Campylobacter Infection

Campylobacteriosis is a common bacterial infection caused by Campylobacter, a pathogen that can be contracted through contaminated food and water. This condition is characterized by symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever. It’s essential to understand the causes, symptoms, treatment, complications, and prevention of campylobacteriosis to better protect yourself and your loved […]

Acute Kidney Failure

Acute kidney failure, a swift and ominous condition, manifests when the kidneys abruptly lose their ability to filter waste products from the bloodstream. This abrupt derailment of renal function can lead to the perilous accumulation of toxins and disrupt the delicate chemical equilibrium of the blood. Referred to interchangeably as acute renal failure or acute […]

How to Do a Bodyweight Row or Inverted Row

Introduction Inverted bodyweight rows are indeed a fundamental exercise that can significantly contribute to the development of your pull muscles. Whether you’re a beginner aiming for your first pull-up or an experienced fitness enthusiast looking to enhance your upper body strength, incorporating inverted bodyweight rows into your workout routine can yield impressive results. To perform […]

Blisters, Corns, Calluses, and Your Skin

Our skin, the body’s largest organ, is not only a protective barrier but also a canvas that reflects our health and lifestyle. It can, however, encounter various issues, and three of the more common skin conditions people experience are blisters, corns, and calluses. Let’s delve deeper into these conditions, their causes, treatments, and preventive measures. […]

Jet Lag Disorder

Jet lag, scientifically termed jet lag disorder, is a transient sleep disturbance that can cast its shadow upon the weary traveler who swiftly crosses numerous time zones. In the intricate dance of global exploration, the body’s internal clock, governed by circadian rhythms, becomes the protagonist in a narrative of disrupted sleep-wake cycles. Mayo Clinic, a […]

Struggling To Fall Asleep? Watching a Video About Space Could Help You Drift Right Off Into the Dreamy Ether

As Luke and his partner prepare for the nightly journey into the realm of dreams, the ambient sounds of London’s distant traffic form the backdrop to a unique bedtime ritual. The bedroom becomes a haven where the terrestrial meets the cosmic, and the murmurs of the city blend seamlessly with the contemplation of subatomic particles […]

What Is a Cone Biopsy?

The cervix, a crucial part of the female reproductive system, is the small opening located at the bottom part of the uterus that serves as a bridge connecting the vagina and the womb. When certain irregularities or potential health concerns arise in the cervix, a medical procedure known as a cone biopsy may be recommended. […]