Recently, Rep. John James (R-Michigan), a freshman House Republican has stirred up a perennial debate in American politics by calling on Congress to give serious thought to imposing an age limit for federal elected officials. Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley added fuel to the fire by calling for term limits after witnessing Mitch McConnell’s most […]
Author Archives: yun
#inform-video-player-1 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #inform-video-player-2 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } Versiti Blood Center of Michigan Charlevoix, 12:30-6 p.m., Oct. 23, Charlevoix Elks Club Community Room, 12735 U.S. 31 North Kingsley, 3:30-6 p.m., Oct. 23, St. Mary of Hannah School Multipurpose Room, 2962 W. M-113 Boyne Falls, 9:15 a.m. to […]
ByGayatri Vajpeyee Oct 23, 2023 07:30 AM IST Share Via Copy Link A layer of white smog (smoke and fog) with a combination of dust has resulted in a significant increase in air pollution in the city PUNE Ophthalmologist are reporting more cases of allergic conjunctivitis as the city’s air pollution levels rise. The city’s […]
ABC News’ Jon Karl grilled Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) for saying President Joe Biden has “blood on his hands” following Hamas’ attack on Israel. Days after Hamas’ deadly first strike against Israel, Scott accused Biden of having “blood on his hands” because of his administration’s policy “weakness.” The Republican presidential candidate also claimed Biden was […]
An urgent appeal has been made for more regular donors to give blood. It comes as stocks – particularly of O negative, A negative and B negative – are running low. Advertisement The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) said stocks of those blood types have fallen to just three days’ supply in recent weeks, and […]
While using condoms might be at the top of a safe sex tips list, it might not be a hundred percent effective when it comes to sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted diseases. According to the World Health Organization, more than one million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide, and most of […]
Query:,iowa-hawkeyes,sports John Steppe John Steppe Vanessa Miller Sara Mcdermott Query:§ions_focus=iowa-football,sports John Steppe John Steppe John Steppe
The American Red Cross is working to collect 10,000 additional blood and platelet donations each week over the next month to sufficiently meet hospital needs. Donors of all blood types are urged to book a time to give now, especially those with type O blood or those giving platelets, the Red Cross said. Will County […]
Madonna performed last night (October 21) in Belgium as part of her ongoing Celebration Tour, which was postponed earlier this year when she was hospitalized for a serious bacterial infection. During the show, she became visibly emotional and opened up about her hospitalization, calling it a “fucking miracle that I’m here right now,” NME reports. […]
Blizzard is preparing to give away a “custom liquid-cooled PC infused with real human blood.” This gruesomely powerful PC sweepstakes prize is being dangled in front of fans to promote Diablo IV Season of Blood and encourage blood donations to hospitals in the US. The outlandish reasoning behind Blizzard’s bloody PC sweepstakes is that from […]