Got psoriasis? You’re not alone. These celebrities and public figures have the skin condition too. Psoriasis, the autoimmune disorder that causes the rapid growth of skin cells and leads to visible signs of inflammation in the form of plaques or scales, is a condition that affects a substantial portion of the population. In the United […]
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Experts explain what’s most likely to cause pneumonia—and ways you can avoid getting the lung infection. Pneumonia is a common respiratory infection that affects people of all ages, causing symptoms such as trouble breathing, chest pain, cough, and fever. While these symptoms are similar regardless of the cause, understanding the underlying factors responsible for your […]
While no cure exists, there are more and better options for clearing scaly plaques than ever before. Being comfortable in your own skin takes on new meaning when it comes to living with plaque psoriasis, a chronic skin condition that has broader implications for one’s overall health and well-being. This article explores the multifaceted nature […]
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – With blood shortages impacting the country recently, one person has stayed true to her schedule of donating every other month. Nanette Allen is a Gillette resident who was nominated for the National Blood Donation Hall of Fame by Vitalant after she passed the milestone of 10 gallons donated. People who […]
United Way of Central Kentucky wants your blood, at least at its sponsored blood drive. The nonprofit is hosting a Halloween-themed blood drive event is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 27 at its headquarters, 604 N. Main St. in Elizabethtown, to support the American Red Cross.
The city of Radcliff is hosting a blood drive this weekend co-sponsored by Colvin Community Center and the Radcliff Woman’s Club. The blood drive is from 1 to 5 p.m. Friday in the Community Room at the center, 230 Freedoms Way in Radcliff.
A common type of fungi has now been shown to penetrate the mammal brain and trigger toxic amyloid plaques like those associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The findings were made among mice, but the research suggests that a key hallmark of some neurodegenerative conditions could originate from sources outside the brain. Amyloid protein clumps that show […]
Thousands of blood donors across the country have rolled up a sleeve to help rebuild the American Red Cross blood and platelet supply since the agency announced a national blood and platelet shortage about a month ago. But the need is still great, according to a news release from the Red Cross. The Red Cross […]
Print Tuesday, October 17 2023National Desk The Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, sheriff’s office K-9 is on the mend thanks to a blood donation from a yellow lab named Dwyer. The K-9 was shot during a critical incident early Saturday morning, in which deputies exchanged gunfire with a man. The man died at the scene. His […]
Depending on the cause—bacteria, fungi, or viruses—different types of pneumonia require different treatments. Pneumonia is a common respiratory illness characterized by inflammation of the lungs, often resulting from the accumulation of fluid or pus in the air sacs. While many cases of pneumonia are caused by infections, there are various types of pneumonia, each with […]