Category Archives: Anxiety

Post-Pandemic Anxiety Is a Real Issue—Here’s How to Get More Comfortable During Re-Openings

During the course of the pandemic, the majority of us wanted nothing more than for our regular routines to be reinstated: to be able to attend our favorite yoga class in person, to meet up with a friend at a restaurant for dinner, or to go into the office and chat with coworkers next to […]

Before I Got an Anxiety Diagnosis Doctors Thought I Had MS, Chronic Fatigue, and a Heart Condition

I can vividly recall the exact moment when anxiety became a significant issue for me. It happened during a seemingly ordinary day in December when I was a college student registering for my upcoming semester’s classes. Back in those days, before the Internet was widely available, I had to physically go to a campus building’s […]

Panel Recommends Routine Anxiety Screening for Adults Under 65—Here’s What That Could Look Like

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has released a draft recommendation urging the screening of all adults under the age of 65 for anxiety disorders. This recommendation aims to normalize the screening process for anxiety and highlights the importance of identifying these disorders early to provide appropriate care. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a […]

Is Anxiety Contagious?

Similar to how viruses can be contagious, stress and anxiety can also be “caught” from others, according to Carla Marie Manly, PhD, a clinical psychologist. Mirror neurons in our brain, which are activated when we observe others’ actions or experiences, may play a role in this phenomenon. This means that when we witness someone else’s […]

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Addressing anxiety requires personalized approaches as there is no universal solution that fits every individual, whether they experience occasional anxious moments or have a diagnosed anxiety disorder. Alongside conventional therapy and medication, there are natural remedies for anxiety that can potentially alleviate specific symptoms. Experts have been actively researching the role of natural remedies in […]

Anxiety Signs and Symptoms

Anxiety disorders are characterized by frequent and overwhelming feelings of anxiety that can significantly impact one’s daily life. While everyone experiences anxiety at times, persistent and excessive fear or worry may indicate an anxiety disorder. There are various types of anxiety disorders, but they all share the common symptom of excessive fear or worry. Anxiety […]

Signs and Symptoms of a Nervous Breakdown

Experiencing extreme distress can lead to a state of emotional turmoil and strain commonly known as a “nervous breakdown” or “mental breakdown.” Although these terms have been used to express feelings of unraveling under immense stress, it’s important to note that they are not clinical diagnoses or indicative of a specific mental illness. Erin Engle, […]

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social anxiety disorder, previously known as social phobia, is characterized by an intense fear of being humiliated, negatively judged, or embarrassed in social situations. Individuals with this disorder experience significant anxiety that interferes with their daily functioning, including work, relationships, and other aspects of life. In the United States, approximately 7% of adults are diagnosed […]

The Dangers of Using Kratom Tea To Treat Anxiety or Opiate Withdrawal

Research on kratom’s side effects has deemed products made with this plant to be a public health threat. Kratom tea, a beverage originating from the leaves of the kratom tree native to Southeast Asia, has emerged as a subject of both fascination and concern in recent years. Advocates of this herbal infusion extol its potential […]

What Causes Depression?

Depressive disorder, commonly referred to as depression, is a prevalent mental health condition that impacts your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It leads to intense feelings of sadness and hopelessness that persist for at least two weeks, accompanied by various behavioral and physical symptoms, often hindering daily functioning and diminishing overall life satisfaction. Depression doesn’t have […]