Category Archives: Blood

Here’s How to Snack for Better Blood Sugar Control, According to New Research

New research has shed light on the profound impact that snacking habits can have on heart and metabolic health, unveiling the critical roles played by both the content and timing of our snacks. This groundbreaking study, presented at the prestigious NUTRITION 2023 conference, which is the annual gathering of the American Society for Nutrition, delved […]

15 Ways To Lower Your Blood Sugar, Naturally

Maintaining optimal blood sugar levels is crucial for your overall health and well-being. High blood sugar levels can increase the risk of serious health conditions such as heart disease, vision problems, and kidney disease. Whether you have type 2 diabetes or want to prevent chronic diseases and improve your health, there are numerous lifestyle habits […]

100-year-old’s haunting prophecy: ‘Walls tainted with blood’

After the loss of his daughter Liraz nine years ago, 100-year-old Be’eri resident Anadad Eldan authored “Shesh Sh’at Shahar,” marking the time when war began on a fateful Shabbat, with terrorists infiltrating the Gaza periphery. This book was dedicated to his daughter, and it included a song titled “On Be’eri’s Walls.” This poignant song, in […]

High blood pressure: 5 amazing probiotics for lowering hypertension; lifestyle changes

ByParmita Uniyal, New Delhi Oct 26, 2023 10:50 AM IST Share Via Copy Link A study says probiotics can help you manage high BP. Here’s a list of fermented foods and probiotics that you can consume for keeping hypertension at bay. Managing hypertension, often referred to as a silent killer, in modern times isn’t easy. […]

Hypertension: Avocados Can Help Control Blood Pressure, Here’s How

Avocados can offer you several essential nutrients High blood pressure or hypertension has become more common than ever. According to WHO, high blood pressure causes close to 12.8% of total deaths in the world. When left untreated, high blood pressure puts you at a high risk of heart disease. Several diet and lifestyle modifications can […]

DOH urges blood donations as Washington blood supply runs ‘dangerously low’

Wash. — The Washington State Department of Health is urging people to donate blood as Washington blood banks face critical shortages. The shortages are particularly bad for O and Rh-negative blood as well as platelets according to officials. Donations dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic and both regional and local blood banks are still feeling the […]

‘Gallons Of Blood’ Poured From Joliet Murder Victim: Brother

JOLIET, IL — Hours before watching his 20-year-old brother Nathan Ballard die in front of him from a gunshot wound to his chest, the Ballard brothers were “just hanging out, chilling, waiting for the night to come around,” the now-31-year-old testified Wednesday afternoon during the murder trial for Anthony Francimore of Joliet. Assistant Will County […]

Blood drive hosted by Hoxworth board member to raise awareness for sickle cell and need for diverse blood supply in Cincinnati

Carla’s journey with sickle cell disease began at the age of two, when, as her mother puts it, she “cried a cry she had never heard before.” After visiting Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Carla was diagnosed with sickle cell disease – a blood disorder that changes normal, round red blood cells into a rigid, crescent moon […]