Category Archives: Blood

YOUR HEALTH: Sickle-cell disease and blood twins

BALTIMORE, Md. (IVANHOE NEWSWIRE) – Blood donors exist for patients with sickle-cell disease, but the donors must be a perfect match. “Most people think of a, b, and o, and then they think of whether you’re positive or negative. Positive or negative means the d antigen. But there are many more blood antigens than just […]

Whole blood transfusions in the field give trauma victims a fighting chance to survive

When a medical emergency strikes, every second counts.  And that’s especially true when trauma and severe blood loss are involved.  Trauma is the leading cause of death for people 45 and younger, and among trauma patients, uncontrolled bleeding is the leading cause of preventable deaths, according to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Nationally, […]

Russia smells blood as Ukraine tries to stop war fatigue spreading among allies

Ukraine is trying to keep its international backers close as diplomatic gaffes, war fatigue and elections threaten to upset its alliances and damage public support for its cause. Opinion polls in both Europe and the U.S. show there has been an overall decline in support for measures backing Ukraine, particularly when it comes to additional […]

Column: Ryder Cup is in America’s head. But it’s in Europe’s blood

GUIDONIA MONTECELIO, Italy (AP) — The Americans have won more majors. The Europeans have won more Ryder Cups. There’s really no connection, except that it might explain why the Americans always seem to be the favorite on paper, and Team Europe has more often left the Ryder Cup with possession of the 17-inch gold trophy […]

New NUHS AI can spot high blood calcium levels

The National University Health System has developed a new AI tool that can detect cases of hypercalcemia in real-time. WHAT IT DOES Dubbed CalSense, the AI screens blood calcium level reports across the organisation to flag hypercalcemia cases, which are then shown in real time via a live dashboard.  It also checks on other investigative […]

Increasing Steps by 3,000 Per Day Can Lower Blood Pressure in Older Adults

An estimated 80% of older adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure. Maintaining healthy blood pressure can protect against serious conditions like heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes. A new study including Linda Pescatello, distinguished professor of kinesiology in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, found that adding a relatively minimal amount […]