Category Archives: Blood

Campus, community turn out for fall blood drive

#inform-video-player-1 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #inform-video-player-2 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } The need for blood donations never ends, and to answer that demand, Meridian Community College students, faculty, staff and community residents stepped up to give during the College’s two-day blood drive. “It’s important that we give back,” said Kelli […]

High blood pressure a concern worldwide, leading to death, stroke, heart attack: How to stop a ‘silent killer’

The World Health Organization (WHO) has just published its first report on the global impact of hypertension and how people can win the race against this “silent killer” that often presents without symptoms.  “This important report from WHO shows how high blood pressure is common and growing in prevalence, but is under-detected and under-treated globally,” […]

Blood Pressure Monitoring and Substance Use Considerations With Esketamine

Transcript Geoffrey Grammer, MD: I found this first statistic to be intriguing. 8 to 19% of nasal esketamine treated patients experienced a greater than 40mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure and a greater than 25mm in mercury in diastolic blood pressure in the first one and a half hours after administration. So, if you think […]

Millions of non-smokers show nicotine in their blood and don’t know…

Secondhand smoke poses a significant health risk, and millions of Americans are unknowingly exposed to toxic smoke on a regular basis, a new study suggests. The study, published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research, found 56 million American adults were frequently exposed to toxic secondhand smoke, and that a third of them may be […]

The Biggest Risk Factor For Death Is Sorely Neglected, But Easily Treated

You almost certainly know someone living with hypertension (high blood pressure). That person might be you yourself. As noted in a new World Health Organization (WHO) stock-take report, its first on hypertension globally, fully one in three adults has hypertension. The number of people with the condition has doubled in the past 30 years, to […]

What Is Considered a Dangerous Blood Sugar in Diabetes?

Extreme fluctuations in blood sugar (glucose), whether too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia), can be dangerous for people with diabetes. The type of diabetes, your medication regimen, your age, the length of time your blood sugar is out of range, and your ability to identify symptoms are some factors that can determine the types […]

How global warming is worsening a national blood shortage

The nation’s donated blood supply is currently at “critically low levels,” and climate change is partly to blame. That’s according to the American Red Cross and other blood donation organizations, which say the floods, hurricanes and wildfires seen across the country this summer have prevented blood collection and contributed to a nationwide shortage. “Patient emergencies […]