By consuming foods with a low glycemic load, people can better control their blood sugar A low glycemic load refers to the measurement of how certain foods affect blood sugar levels after consumption. It takes into account both the glycemic index (a ranking of how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels) and the portion […]
Category Archives: Blood
Levels of GFAP protein in the blood — a marker of damage to support cells in the brain — were associated with the enlargement of brain lesions and of fluid-filled brain cavities called ventricles in people with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) undergoing Tysabri (natalizumab) treatment, a study showed. While ventricular volume change can be used as […]
Researchers from Fudan University and elsewhere have developed a SNP-based method to determine zygosity and fetal fraction among twin pregnancies from maternal blood. They note that chorionicity, or the number of placentas in a multiple gestation, is a key risk factor of adverse outcomes in twin pregnancies and that establishing zygosity is a step toward […]
A certain amount of clotting in the blood is necessary as it prevents excessive bleeding. However, blood clots that do not naturally dissolve can be dangerous. This is because they can travel around the body, and prevent blood flow to certain organs. If a clot reaches the brain, for example, it can result in a […]
Image: © Georgethefourth | iStock Space travel’s impact on red blood cells and bone health is a growing concern. A study of 14 astronauts reveals that bone marrow fat might be vital to restoring these crucial elements A recent study in Nature Communications highlights a groundbreaking discovery – space travel depletes red blood cells and […]
When was the last time you had your blood pressure checked? All adults should have this simple test at least once a year. If a blood pressure reading at your doctor’s office is elevated — that is, higher than a healthy range — current guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force recommend repeating the […]
August 21, 2023 Editor-in-Chief
Human thrombin. Thrombin is the enzyme responsible for bleeding and for blood clotting, depending on how it’s activated, and has two DNA drug-binding sites. Credit: Yoshimoto et al, CC-BY Various medical circumstances, including heart attacks and extreme cases of COVID-19, necessitate the use of anticoagulants, medicines that prevent blood clots. But the most commonly used, […]
PITTSBURGH, Pa. (Ivanhoe Newswire) – Every two seconds, someone needs blood, but blood banks continue to face dire shortages as supplies have failed to reach their pre-pandemic levels. Because the demand is so great, researchers are creating a new type of synthetic blood in the lab. Dr. Susan Shea, a bioengineer at the University of […]
Image: © skynesher | iStock A study in Hypertension has revealed a connection between COVID-19 and persistent elevated blood pressure among specific demographics and those with preexisting health conditions A recent analysis of over 45,000 individuals afflicted with SARS-CoV-2 revealed a strong correlation between the virus and the emergence of persistent high blood pressure, even […]