Category Archives: Blood

Home invader’s blood on doorknob cracks 1984 cold case thanks to new…

Minneapolis police say they have cracked a 1984 cold-case murder and assault thanks to new DNA technology. Authorities named Matthew Russell Brown, 66, as the suspect accused of murdering Robert Miller inside his south Minneapolis apartment on July 17, 1984, when Brown would have been 27 years old. Court records filed last month show Brown was charged with second-degree […]

OBI medical officer tells Rotarians for-profit plasma centers impacting local blood donations

#inform-video-player-1 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #inform-video-player-2 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } Regulations for blood donation centers and plasma donation centers vary, and the chief medical officer for Our Blood Institute (OBI) told Enid Rotarians that for-profit plasma centers are contributing to a decrease in blood donations at nonprofit centers. Dr. […]

Bloodworks Northwest says it needs blood donations in next 7 days

The blood bank said the summer is a time when more accidents and injuries happen and require life-saving blood transfusions.  Bloodworks Northwest is encouraging people to make appointments in July and August to ensure the blood shortage doesn’t affect the care of local cancer, trauma, and surgery patients and maintain enough blood for emergencies.  Same […]

American Red Cross urgently looking for blood donations amid shortage

(WBNG) — The American Red Cross said it is seeking the public’s help as blood donations dwindle. The Red Cross especially needs type O-negative, type O-positive and type B-negative blood donors. It also needs platelet donors. The organization said that blood and platelet donations can help trauma patients and those undergoing cancer treatment. It can […]

Home-invasion murder suspect’s blood on doorknob led to arrest 4 decades later: police

Minneapolis police say they have cracked a 1984 cold-case murder and assault thanks to new DNA technology. Authorities named Matthew Russell Brown, 66, as the suspect accused of murdering Robert Miller inside his south Minneapolis apartment on July 17, 1984, when Brown would have been 27 years old. Court records filed last month show Brown […]

Just 3 Minutes of Exercise May Help Lower Blood Sugar After Dinner, According to New Research

It’s long been known that physical activity helps improve blood sugar levels. When you’re active, the glucose in your blood gets used up by your muscles for energy—and this helps to lower the amount of glucose (AKA sugar) in your blood. In fact, whether you have diabetes or not, accumulating a lot of uninterrupted sedentary […]

Red Cross needs help with blood shortage; offers shark dive trip, $10 gift for donors

<img alt class="gnt_em_vp_img gnt_em_vp_img__yn" src="" onload="if(this.naturalWidth Shark Week gets people thinking about blood, an opportunity recognized by the American Red Cross, which hopes to get donors to climb aboard. After a summer of declining donations, the emergency assistance agency says there’s a blood shortage. When a donor makes and keeps an appointment to give blood […]