Category Archives: Brain

Fungal Meningitis: What to Know About the Recent Outbreak Linked to Mexican Clinics

In recent times, a grave health concern has gripped the attention of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – a fungal meningitis outbreak linked to two clinics in Matamoros, Mexico. This alarming situation has the potential to affect nearly 200 Americans, shedding light on the perils of fungal meningitis and the importance of […]

Signs and Symptoms of Meningitis

Meningitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the meninges – the protective layers surrounding the brain and spinal cord, is a medical concern that can arise from various causes, including bacterial, fungal, or viral infections, or even without any underlying infection. This article delves into the multifaceted aspects of meningitis, its diverse symptoms, and the […]

What Is Meningitis?

Meningitis, a term that encompasses the inflammation of the meninges, those crucial protective layers enshrouding the brain and spinal cord, is a medical condition of paramount significance. This ailment can be provoked by various pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. According to global estimates, approximately 1.2 million individuals worldwide grapple with bacterial meningitis each year, […]

The Effects of Stress on the Body, From Your Brain to Your Stomach

Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to reduce stress and its impact on your life.a Stress is an inevitable part of life, arising in response to various challenges and demands that can result in physical and emotional tension. While stress is a common experience, its prolonged presence can have detrimental effects on your health. […]

Epilepsy Overview

Epilepsy is a multifaceted neurological condition characterized by recurrent seizures, a manifestation of abnormal patterns of electrical activity in the brain. While the precise etiology of epilepsy remains elusive in most cases, it can be attributed to various factors such as stroke, brain trauma, inflammation, or genetics. Furthermore, high blood pressure and a history of […]

What Is Face Blindness? Mask Use Might Be Making It Harder for You to Recognize People

You’re not alone if you just can’t recognize someone with their mask on. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a new societal norm: seeing people don face masks in public places. While these safety precautions have proven effective in preventing and containing the spread of the virus, an unexpected issue has arisen – a phenomenon colloquially […]

What Causes Epilepsy?

Epilepsy, a complex neurological condition characterized by recurrent seizures, remains a significant medical challenge that affects millions of people worldwide. A seizure occurs when there is an abnormal surge of electrical activity in the brain’s neurons, which are responsible for transmitting signals throughout the nervous system. The manifestation of seizures can vary widely depending on […]

What Is Lewy Body Dementia?

This progressive type of dementia can cause problems with memory, vision, and language. Over six years have elapsed since the world mourned the tragic loss of Robin Williams in 2014. His passing sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry and left fans reeling, grappling with the revelation that this beloved comedic genius was battling a silent […]

How to Tell the Difference Between Normal Age-Related Memory Changes and Dementia

Occasional memory lapses are a fairly normal part of aging. But increasingly frequent episodes or personality changes could be a warning sign that something more serious is developing. Have you ever walked into your kitchen with a clear intention, only to find yourself standing there, completely baffled about why you entered in the first place? […]

Epilepsy Prevention

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures, which result from abnormal electrical activity in the brain. This condition affects approximately 50 million people worldwide, making it a relatively common neurological disorder. Despite its prevalence, the causes of epilepsy remain largely unknown, with only one-third of cases being attributed to identifiable factors. However, […]