Category Archives: Cancer and neoplasms

Quizartinib Plus Chemo Gains FDA Approval for Newly Diagnosed, FLT3-ITD+ AML

Quizartinib (Vanflyta) has been approved by the FDA in combination with standard cytarabine and anthracycline induction and cytarabine consolidation, and as maintenance monotherapy after consolidation chemotherapy, for the treatment of adults with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) that is FLT3-ITD positive, as detected by an FDA-approved test.1 The regulatory decision was supported by data […]

Updated US paediatric cancer estimate shows increasing lymphoid leukaemia incidence

GlobalData estimates that approximately 2,800 individuals aged 19 years and under will be diagnosed with ALL in 2023 alone. Credit: Pixel-Shot via Shutterstock. The average annual percent change (AAPC) of paediatric lymphoid leukaemias rose by 0.4% in the US, according to a recent update by the US Public Health Service published in the Journal of […]

Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary in a 14-year-old girl: a case report and literature review

Here we reported a case of ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma in a 14-year-old girl, which to our knowledge is the first case of ovarian epithelial tumor reported so far in Chinese and East Asian children. Of the eight cases of mucinous adenocarcinoma that have been previously reported in the literature worldwide, seven were from Europe or […]

New tumour-selective light treatment could kill breast cancer cells with greater accuracy and improve tumour control

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women in Singapore. Treatment is multimodal and often involves surgery to remove the cancer and lymph nodes involved. Adjuvant therapy, given after the initial treatment, is used to irradiate and destroy micrometastases, which are cancer cells in the blood stream or lymphatics, to decrease recurrence. This form […]

Keeping it Positive: ‘90210’ Star Shannen Doherty, 52, Looks Cheerful During Evening Out Amid Stage 4 Breast Cancer Journey and Divorce

Beloved actress Shannen Doherty, who is best known for her roles in “Heathers,” “Charmed” and “Beverly Hills, 90210,” has so far endured a rollercoaster of a year between her stage four (metastatic) breast cancer battle and her divorce from her husband — but that hasn’t stopped her from smiling and doing things she enjoys. The […]

‘No Symptom is Too Small’ for Patients With MPNs

With myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) — a group of blood cancers that causes the bone marrow to overproduce red or white blood cells or platelets that can often come with long asymptomatic periods — it is crucial for both providers and patients to remain vigilant as they monitor and manage symptoms as they arise. “MPNs are […]

Thaddeus Beck: ‘I Wanted to Be the Best Oncologist, That’s It’

Thaddeus Beck, MD, FACP Thaddeus Beck, MD, FACP, a graduate of the University of Arkansas (UA) for Medical Science, had a simple goal when starting out his career. Beck wanted to be the best and did not know how far that dream would go. About 30 years ago, after completing a fellowship at Duke University […]