Category Archives: Cardiovascular

Insufficient Sleep May Worsen Cardiovascular Health Measures

New research suggests that sleeping only five hours per night over a week can have negative effects on cardiovascular health. A study conducted by Penn State found that restricting sleep to just five hours per night throughout the week led to deteriorating cardiovascular health, including heart rate and blood pressure. It was also discovered that […]

Here is how lack of sleep linked to cardiovascular disease in long term

The researchers assessed the individuals’ resting heart rates and blood pressure every two hours during the day to assess the impact of this sleep regimen on cardiovascular health. Image Credit: Pexels/Cottonbro Pennsylvania: It is a mistake to think that sleeping in on weekends will make up for not getting enough sleep during the week due […]

Sleep Myth Busted: A Weekend of Extra Sleep Isn’t the Cure-All

New reveals that sleeping only five hours per night over a week worsens cardiovascular health measures, with weekend catch-up sleep being insufficient to normalize them. This sleep deprivation pattern may make individuals more susceptible to cardiovascular disease in the future. If we think we can compensate for lack of sleep during the week by sleeping […]

Catching up on sleep during weekends doesn’t make a difference in your cardiovascular health

Estimated read time: 2-3 minutes COLLEGE STATE, Penn. — Researchers have discovered that catching up on sleep over the weekend because of sleep loss during the week doesn’t return your heart rate and blood pressure level to normal, according to a new study. Researchers from Penn State University shared the findings in a study published […]

Breastfeeding boosts mother’s heart health for 3 years or more: Study

The surprising cardio-metabolic benefit for maternal health is particularly important for women who experienced a complicated pregnancy. Image Credit: Shutterstock Sydney: Breastfeeding for six months or more appears to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems developing in mothers for at least three years after delivery, a new study has found. The surprising cardio-metabolic benefit for […]

Exclusive breastfeeding reduces risk of Cardiovascular disease in children, says UNICEF

* Lowers risk of childhood cancer The United Nations Children (UNICEF) has said that exclusive breastfeeding reduces risk of cardiovascular disease in children through life, lowers risk of childhood cancer (including leukemialower and reduces risk of childhood obesity. The global children body therefore advised mothers against giving water to their breastfeeding babies in the first […]

When a Steel Plant Closed in Pittsburgh, Cardiovascular ER Visits Plunged

A week after one of Pittsburgh’s most polluting steel plants closed in 2016, cardiovascular ER visits in the nearby communities dropped by 42 percent and continued to shrink every week for years, according to a recent study published in the journal Environmental Research Health. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular hospitalizations also decreased. While most research on air […]

‘Exclusive breastfeeding reduces cardiovascular disease in children’

Mothers In North Identify Challenges At Workplaces The United Nations Children (UNICEF) has said that exclusive breastfeeding reduces risk of cardiovascular disease in children through life, lowers risk of childhood cancer (including leukemia lower and reduces risk of childhood obesity.  The global children body advised mothers against giving water to their breastfeeding babies in the […]

Free Myeloperoxidase Levels Show Promise for Predicting Risk of Cardiovascular, All-Cause Mortality

Monitoring changes in levels of free myeloperoxidase (MPO) may help identify patients with increased mortality risk, according to a new study published in Plos One. Previous studies have indicated that major adverse cardiac events (MACE), such as spontaneous thrombosis or myocardial infarction (MI), are influenced by vascular inflammation. At the site of inflammation, MPO is […]

Game-Changing Potential – New Tiny Human Heart Model Carries Massive Implications

Scientists have developed a miniature human heart model, using human induced pluripotent stem cells, that could revolutionize drug testing and cardiovascular research. This breakthrough not only offers unprecedented insights into heart function but also presents a potential ethical alternative to animal testing in the pharmaceutical industry. Credit: Tissue Dynamics A team of researchers, led by […]