Category Archives: Cardiovascular

The personality type that increases the risk of having a heart attack

“It takes a certain degree of hostility to make it in the world.” “Other people are ignorant and inept.” “They’re going to regret what they’ve done.” “Giving and receiving love is a sign of weakness.” “If I don’t take care of things, nobody will.” “I shouldn’t have to repeat myself.” This kind of thinking characterizes […]

Phenotypes, cardiovascular disease . . . and other stories

Genome-wide association studies of cardiovascular disease According to the NHGRI-EBI catalogue of human genome-wide association studies (, 1700 studies have been performed on phenotypes related to common cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, stroke, and hypertension. Hundreds of genomic loci associated with these phenotypes have been identified. Although polygenic scores that summarise […]

Metabolic systems approaches update molecular insights of clinical phenotypes and cardiovascular risk in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

Demographic and clinical characteristics of all participants A total of 660 individuals participated in the discovery cross-sectional study (Fig. 1a), including 184 genetically confirmed HoFH patients (male, 50.1%), 376 HeFH patients (male, 49.2%), and 100 non-FH individuals (male, 53.0%). The clinical characteristics of the study individuals are presented in Table 1. Patients with HoFH had higher […]

Childhood Obesity Management May Influence Cardiovascular Risk Trajectory in Adulthood

Prof. Henner Hanssen Credit: University of Basel The optimization of screening programs and risk management strategies for obesity-related cardiovascular risk in childhood could potentially change cardiovascular disease-related trajectories later in adulthood, according to a newly published scientific statement.1 Produced by the Task Force for Childhood Health of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) and […]

Consideration of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Management of Patients With Primary Sjögren Syndrome

Extraglandular involvement was associated with higher occurrence of cardiovascular conditions, including arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia, and coronary artery disease, among patients with primary Sjögren syndrome, according to study results published in Clinical Rheumatology. Investigators assessed the prevalence and predictors of cardiovascular risk factors and diseases among patients with primary Sjögren syndrome and aimed to develop […]

More cardiology groups step forward with concerns about Medicare payment cuts

“The proposed rule, coupled with the ongoing cuts affecting office-based providers, will have severe repercussions for patients suffering from PAD and CAD,” interventional cardiologist Jeffrey G. Carr, MD, a member of the CVC Board, said in the statement. “These poor decisions made in Washington are poised to eliminate specialists and reduce patient access to much-needed […]

Atrial fibrillation after TAVR linked to much higher risk of death, heart failure

Patients with a history of AFib were the most likely to present with comorbidities such as diabetes, peripheral artery disease, chronic kidney disease, a history of stroke and a history of percutaneous coronary intervention. Patients with first-time detected AFib were much more likely to undergo TAVR with transapical access than patients from the other groups. […]

Research explores air pollution, built environment and early cardiovascular disease

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Early exposure to polluted air, including in the womb, can have early and lasting effects on heart health. So reports a new University at Albany led study that surveyed the landscape of research on air pollution, the built environment and cardiovascular health indicators, with a particular eye to risk factors associated […]

Daily Pitavastatin Reduces Cardiovascular Risk in People With HIV

Among people living with HIV, those who received pitavastatin were 35% less likely to experience a major cardiovascular event compared with those who received placebo, according to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine.1 The phase 3 Randomized Trial to Prevent Vascular Events in HIV (REPRIEVE) included 7769 participants with HIV who […]