Category Archives: Congenital disorders

Associations between maternal metabolic conditions and neurodevelopmental conditions in offspring: the mediating effects of obstetric and neonatal complications

Obesity and overweight. Accessed 21 Sep 2021. Saeedi P, Petersohn I, Salpea P, Malanda B, Karuranga S, Unwin N, et al. Global and regional diabetes prevalence estimates for 2019 and projections for 2030 and 2045: results from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 9th edition. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2019;157:107843. PubMed  Google Scholar  Faraone […]

Vital Signs: Missed Opportunities for Preventing Congenital

Discussion Lack of timely testing and adequate treatment during pregnancy contributed to 88% of congenital syphilis cases in 2022 and represent missed opportunities to prevent maternal syphilis-associated morbidity. Lack of timely testing and adequate treatment contributed to substantial proportions of cases in all geographic areas and in all racial and ethnic groups. Timely testing without […]

Dr. Prsic Appointed an Associate Course Director for YSM Anatomy

Adnan Prsic, MD, assistant professor, has been appointed an Associate Director of the Anatomy program for MD and PA students. He will serve with Harry Sanchez, MD, and Kirsten Cooper, MD, MBA. As an Associate Course Director, Dr. Prsic will participate in the Anatomy labs and course sessions, will enhance the lab experience with clinical […]

‘Babies of women with uncontrolled diabetes may have cataracts’

Contrary to the belief that cataract mainly occurs in older adults, eye specialists say babies and children can be born with them or develop the condition. The ophthalmologists said pregnant women with uncontrolled diabetes and other metabolic diseases may give birth to babies with cataracts though there are other causes of congenital cataracts in children. […]

Public confidence in vaccine safety lowering

Public confidence in vaccine safety lowering | Image Credit: © AntonioDiaz – © AntonioDiaz – This article was initially published by our sister publication Medical Economics. The confidence of the general public in the safety of vaccines appears to be waning, according to a recent survey conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of […]

Finding a Surgeon Expert Witness

Expert witnesses play a crucial role in litigation by providing their specialized knowledge and opinions in court cases. Surgeon expert witnesses are medical professionals with extensive experience in surgical procedures. They are called upon to provide insight in cases where surgical procedures, malpractice, or other healthcare-related matters are at issue. Here are some tips for […]

Management of active phase of second stage labor and risk of urinary, anal incontinence

Management of active phase of second stage labor and risk of urinary, anal incontinence | Image Credit: © geargodz – © geargodz – The risk of urinary or anal incontinence 6 months following delivery is not affected by moderate or intensive pushing efforts among women who delivered while under epidural analgesia, according to a […]