Category Archives: Disease

People Are Already Dying From the Flu. Here’s What You Need to Know About Flu Season 2017

From the symptoms of the flu to the effectiveness of the vaccine The initial phase of the 2017 influenza season has tragically resulted in fatalities. A senior individual residing in Iowa succumbed to the flu in recent times, signifying the inaugural recorded instance of flu-related mortality within the state this season, as outlined by a […]

The U.S. Is Seeing the Longest Flu Season in a Decade—Here’s What You Need to Know

Don’t put away that hand sanitizer just yet. As the canvas of the natural world experiences its yearly metamorphosis upon the advent of spring, the beguiling temptation to presume the flu’s withdrawal might gently grasp our contemplations. Yet, emerging from the pages of a recently inked report by the esteemed Centers for Disease Control and […]

At-Home Flu Tests Are Surprisingly Accurate—So Why Don’t We Have One Yet?

New research shows rapid flu tests conducted at home are just as accurate as those performed in clinical settings. Recent scientific investigations have unveiled a significant breakthrough in the realm of medical diagnostics: at-home influenza tests have demonstrated an accuracy level on par with the tests administered within traditional medical facilities. This pioneering revelation not […]

You Can Get the Flu Twice in One Season

Even with a flu shot, it is possible to get the flu more than once per flu season. Navigating the expanse of flu season offers ample opportunity to shield oneself from the onslaught of germs. This period of heightened influenza activity typically reaches its zenith between the months of December and February. However, it is […]

13 Conditions That Mimic Fibromyalgia

Do you think you might have fibromyalgia? The symptoms may be due to some other condition. Suspecting you might be dealing with fibromyalgia? Identifying this condition can be remarkably challenging, even for medical professionals. Concrete diagnostic methods such as blood tests or scans do not exist, making the initial diagnosis of fibromyalgia primarily a process […]

The Reality of Fibromyalgia

They’re not fakers. People with fibromyalgia know it’s real, even if it’s misunderstood. Individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia frequently encounter the challenge of not feeling fully acknowledged by their medical practitioners, who might underestimate the validity of their condition. This ailment falls within the category of hidden illnesses, wherein the symptoms do not consistently manifest visibly […]

The Early Flu Symptoms You Should Know About, According to Infectious Disease Experts

There’s a reason people say it feels like being “hit by a truck.” In the current year, society finds itself under the influence of an unprecedented state of alertness. The minutest fluctuations in bodily sensations have escalated into points of intense scrutiny as individuals across the globe navigate the delicate landscape of health monitoring. What […]

Signs and Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is categorized as an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that triggers inflammation and discomfort within the digestive system. It leads to a range of gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and ulcers. Additionally, Crohn’s disease can manifest non-gastrointestinal symptoms, including arthritis, eye inflammation, bone loss, and kidney stones. The symptoms of Crohn’s […]

The 5 Stages of Kidney Disease

After receiving a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD), it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed. However, understanding the stage of your disease is crucial for managing and slowing its progression. CKD is categorized into five stages based on the level of kidney function. Knowing your stage empowers you to take appropriate measures to control your CKD […]

6 Types of Eczema

Eczema is a common skin condition characterized by red, dry, and itchy patches on the skin. However, eczema encompasses various subtypes, each with its own distinct characteristics. These subtypes include: In the United States, more than 31 million people experience symptoms of eczema. While most cases can be effectively managed and treated with topical creams, […]