Category Archives: Disease

Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological condition that profoundly impacts cognitive functions such as memory, reasoning, and language. In the United States, over 6 million individuals aged 65 and above are affected by this disease. It’s important to distinguish between Alzheimer’s disease and the term "dementia." While dementia is a […]

Signs and Symptoms of Lupus

Signs and Symptoms of Lupus Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy cells or tissues, leading to inflammation throughout the body. This condition can affect various organs and tissues, including the muscles, joints, skin, heart, kidneys, lungs, and blood. The symptoms of lupus can vary in severity and […]

Signs and Symptoms of Crohn

Signs and Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease Crohn’s disease is categorized as an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that triggers inflammation and discomfort within the digestive system. It leads to a range of gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and ulcers. Additionally, Crohn’s disease can manifest non-gastrointestinal symptoms, including arthritis, eye inflammation, bone loss, and […]

The 5 Stages of Kidney Disease

The 5 Stages of Kidney Disease After receiving a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD), it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed. However, understanding the stage of your disease is crucial for managing and slowing its progression. CKD is categorized into five stages based on the level of kidney function. Knowing your stage empowers you to take […]

Ozone Pollution Increases Cardiovascular Disease Hospitalisations

Exceeding the World Health Organisation (WHO) ozone limit is associated with increases in hospital admissions for heart attack, heart failure and stroke, says a study by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Ozone pollution The study, authored by Prof. Shaowei Wu of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, was published in European Heart Journal, a publication of […]