Category Archives: Disorder

How To Recognize Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome

Living with a partner who exhibits narcissistic traits can be challenging and may lead to experiences of severe emotional abuse. This form of abuse can result in negative mental health outcomes and is sometimes referred to as narcissistic abuse syndrome or narcissistic victim syndrome. While narcissistic abuse syndrome is not an officially recognized mental health […]

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social anxiety disorder, previously known as social phobia, is characterized by an intense fear of being humiliated, negatively judged, or embarrassed in social situations. Individuals with this disorder experience significant anxiety that interferes with their daily functioning, including work, relationships, and other aspects of life. In the United States, approximately 7% of adults are diagnosed […]

7 Fibromyalgia-Related Conditions

About 4 million adults in the United States have fibromyalgia, and they’re also likely to have these conditions. Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder characterized by persistent and widespread musculoskeletal pain, accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, disrupted sleep patterns, and emotional distress. Individuals afflicted by fibromyalgia often exhibit heightened pain sensitivity compared to the general […]

My Financial Anxiety Led to an Adult ADHD Diagnosis

My Financial Anxiety Led to an Adult ADHD Diagnosis My parents and I never broached the topic of mental illness when I was growing up. Unfortunately, that’s not commonplace, and it’s not limited to the Latinx community. I didn’t know what was causing my anxiety as a child, and at 16 I tried suicide because […]

The Difference Between Psychopathy and Sociopathy

The Difference Between Psychopathy and Sociopathy Psychopath and sociopath are terms often used colloquially to describe individuals who exhibit traits such as a lack of empathy, disregard for laws and rules, indifference towards others’ rights, tendencies towards violence, and a lack of guilt. It is important to note that sociopathy and psychopathy are not recognized […]

How To Cope With a Narcissistic Family Member

How To Cope With a Narcissistic Family Member Frequently, the term "narcissist" is used loosely, but it goes beyond mere self-confidence. Narcissism involves an inflated self-view and actions taken to uphold that perception, often at the expense of others. This exaggerated self-image can be indicative of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), a clinically recognized mental health […]

What To Know About Antisocial Personality Disorder Treatment

What To Know About Antisocial Personality Disorder Treatment According to a 2015 study published in Psychiatric Annals, approximately 1-4% of the general population meets the diagnostic criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), which is also known as sociopathy. It is essential to understand that Antisocial Personality Disorder does not simply refer to being unsociable or […]

How To Recognize Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome

How To Recognize Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome Living with a partner who exhibits narcissistic traits can be challenging and may lead to experiences of severe emotional abuse. This form of abuse can result in negative mental health outcomes and is sometimes referred to as narcissistic abuse syndrome or narcissistic victim syndrome. While narcissistic abuse syndrome is […]

11 Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder

11 Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder There are a total of 10 distinct personality disorders, including OCPD, paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder. Personality disorders are characterized by pervasive and destructive patterns of behavior throughout time.And among these, borderline personality disorder (BPD) is often the most misunderstood. The term "borderline" suggests […]

Is Asperger Syndrome Still a Diagnosis?

Is Asperger Syndrome Still a Diagnosis? Asperger syndrome (AS) is a developmental disorder that falls under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It is characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. ASD encompasses a range of neurological conditions that can impact language and communication skills. […]