Category Archives: Eye

Simple Tips on Caring for Your Eye Glasses

With an estimated 41% of Americans currently experiencing myopia, and projections suggesting that by 2050, nearly 50% of the population will be nearsighted, it’s increasingly likely that eyeglasses will become a common accessory for many. In such a scenario, it is essential to equip yourself with knowledge on caring for your eyeglasses, as they play […]

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a progressive eye disease that afflicts individuals over time, and it stands as the primary cause of irreversible vision loss in those aged 50 and above, affecting approximately 1 in 10 people in the United States. This condition manifests when the macula, which is the central portion of the retina […]

Lasik Cost and Insurance for Presbyopia

Are you experiencing the frustrating symptoms of presbyopia, such as difficulty focusing on close objects, and are considering LASIK surgery to reduce or even eliminate your dependence on glasses? The cost of vision correction is a pivotal factor when making decisions about your eye health. It’s essential to understand how much LASIK surgery can cost, […]

Bright Eyes, Bright Futures: Non-glasses Options for Myopia in Children

In a world where mobile devices have become an inseparable companion, it’s no surprise that an increasing number of children are being diagnosed with myopia, or nearsightedness. The digital age has ushered in a new era of challenges for young eyes, as prolonged hours spent in front of screens contribute to the growing prevalence of […]

How is Dry Eye Diagnosed?

More than 16 million people in the U.S. have dry eye. A questionnaire and comprehensive eye exam can get you a proper diagnosis. Dry eye, often referred to as dry eye syndrome or dry eye disease, is a prevalent ocular condition stemming from inadequate tear production, resulting in insufficient lubrication for the eyes. This leads […]

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a condition in which your body does not produce enough tears to properly lubricate your eyes, causing itchiness, redness, and irritation. Dry eye disease, known also as dry eye syndrome, is a multifaceted condition that stems from the inadequate production of high-quality tears, which are paramount for upholding optimal eye moisture. This […]

How the 20-20-20 Rule Can Help Ease Digital Eye Strain

Digital eye strain caused by too much screen time is a real thing, experts say. Here’s how to ease dry eyes, redness, and fatigue. FAST FACTS A recent study revealed that individuals who practiced a routine of diverting their gaze from their computer screen every 20 minutes, focusing on a target 20 feet away for […]

Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) Symptoms and Treatment

Dry eyes are a common discomfort that most individuals encounter periodically, often arising due to factors such as allergies, seasonal illnesses, or prolonged use of outdated contact lenses. Nevertheless, the impact is significantly more pronounced for individuals grappling with dry eye syndrome, where these symptoms transcend occasional occurrences and become a persistent aspect of their […]

Eye Problems: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Learn about common eye problems, symptoms, and treatments that keep your eyes healthy. Maintaining optimal eye health is crucial for overall well-being, encompassing sharp vision, pain-free experiences, and unclouded eyes. As of 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that approximately 21 million individuals in the United States encountered vision-related issues. While […]

What Is Mydriasis?

Mydriasis is when pupils dilate, or widen, unnaturally—not in response to being in an environment with less light. The pupils serve as conduits for light to enter the eyes and undergo size adjustments based on the ambient lighting conditions. In well-lit surroundings, the pupils constrict, permitting a reduced amount of light to enter. Conversely, in […]