Category Archives: Flu

How Effective Is the Flu Shot? What Doctors Are Saying About This Year’s Vaccines

Though not perfect, the shots generally provide decent protection. To begin with the less favorable aspect: Achieving complete effectiveness in vaccines remains a challenge, even though certain vaccines like those for polio and measles exhibit remarkable efficacy. Even vaccines targeted at stable pathogens aren’t infallible due to the varying responses within individuals based on factors […]

Flu and COVID-19: How Do the Illnesses Compare?

The two share a lot of similarities, but there are key differences between them. It’s a common occurrence for a set of symptoms to potentially indicate a variety of distinct conditions or ailments. This can often lead to challenges in accurately identifying the specific illness, disorder, syndrome, or infection afflicting an individual. In March 2020, […]

When Does Flu Season Start and End?

Though you can catch the flu year-round, it’s more prevalent during certain seasons. AT A GLANCE The commencement and culmination of flu season are contingent upon one’s geographical location, as elucidated by Alicia Budd, MPH, an epidemiologist within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s influenza division, in conversation with Health. Within the United States, […]

CDC Director Warns Flu Season Could Be ‘Severe’ This Year—Here’s Why, and How to Protect Yourself

Last year’s drastically low number of flu cases may play a part. Amid the prevailing concerns about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative to recognize that our attention should not be solely fixated on this infectious disease. The approaching flu season for 2022-2023 demands our vigilance, as it potentially heralds a greater severity compared […]

How To Get Rid of the Flu Quickly

Got flu symptoms? It’s not always possible to speed up your recovery, but certain flu treatments can help reduce the length of your symptoms. Enhancing, optimizing, and ensuring originality: Experiencing the flu may appear as a minor inconvenience, yet in certain instances, this viral ailment can lead to significant complications. Despite the strenuous preventive measures […]

People Are Already Dying From the Flu. Here’s What You Need to Know About Flu Season 2017

From the symptoms of the flu to the effectiveness of the vaccine The initial phase of the 2017 influenza season has tragically resulted in fatalities. A senior individual residing in Iowa succumbed to the flu in recent times, signifying the inaugural recorded instance of flu-related mortality within the state this season, as outlined by a […]

The U.S. Is Seeing the Longest Flu Season in a Decade—Here’s What You Need to Know

Don’t put away that hand sanitizer just yet. As the canvas of the natural world experiences its yearly metamorphosis upon the advent of spring, the beguiling temptation to presume the flu’s withdrawal might gently grasp our contemplations. Yet, emerging from the pages of a recently inked report by the esteemed Centers for Disease Control and […]

At-Home Flu Tests Are Surprisingly Accurate—So Why Don’t We Have One Yet?

New research shows rapid flu tests conducted at home are just as accurate as those performed in clinical settings. Recent scientific investigations have unveiled a significant breakthrough in the realm of medical diagnostics: at-home influenza tests have demonstrated an accuracy level on par with the tests administered within traditional medical facilities. This pioneering revelation not […]

You Can Get the Flu Twice in One Season

Even with a flu shot, it is possible to get the flu more than once per flu season. Navigating the expanse of flu season offers ample opportunity to shield oneself from the onslaught of germs. This period of heightened influenza activity typically reaches its zenith between the months of December and February. However, it is […]

5 Places You Can Get a Flu Shot Without Insurance

You may be able to get vaccinated at little or no cost, even without health coverage. Emphasized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the imperative of receiving an annual influenza vaccination holds true for every individual aged 6 months and beyond. This recommendation stems from a recognition of the continually shifting characteristics […]