Category Archives: Health Benefits

Lifting Weights Doesn’t Only Make Us Physically Stronger—It Can Support Trauma Healing, Too

Alyssa Ages’ extraordinary voyage through the worlds of Strongman, CrossFit, and Ironman serves as a compelling narrative, illustrating the profound emotional healing achievable within the realm of weight lifting. In her mid-30s, Alyssa confronted the heart-wrenching experience of a miscarriage, an episode that left her wrestling with vulnerability and a disconnection from her own body, […]

What Is Capsaicin?

While the name “capsaicin” may not be a household term for most, you are likely well-acquainted with its fiery taste, which leaves an unforgettable burning sensation on your taste buds. Capsaicin, the fiery compound found in chili peppers, is the secret behind that culinary excitement, setting your mouth ablaze with heat and adding a bold […]

6 Ways That Owning a Dog Can Majorly Boost Your Longevity

Introduction In the past year, the lives of my octogenarian parents have undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, thanks to the addition of Maisy, a delightful puppy, to our family. At the tender age of 80, my parents have discovered newfound physical and mental vitality, engaging in activities such as daily walks spanning several miles, fostering new […]

I Swapped My Normal Coffee With This New Instant Half-Caff, and Felt Jitter-Free Energy All Morning

Introduction In the fast-paced world we inhabit, the quest for the perfect energy boost without the undesirable side effects of regular coffee is a perpetual pursuit. In this quest, the emergence of innovative products, such as Four Sigmatic’s Focus Organic Coffee, has caught the attention of enthusiasts seeking a harmonious blend of sustained energy and […]

Doing 10 Minutes of Yoga Nidra at Night Cut the Time I Typically Spend Lying Awake in Bed in Half

Exploring the Essence of Yoga Nidra In the expansive world of yoga, the term “yoga nidra” beckons, translating to “yogic sleep.” Rooted in ancient yogic wisdom, this practice has evolved beyond the physical postures typically associated with traditional yoga. Yoga nidra invites practitioners into a profound and immersive experience, transcending the boundaries of conventional practice. […]

The Risks and Benefits of Going Off Antidepressant Medications

A cornerstone in addressing depression lies in the realm of antidepressant therapy. Approximately 7 million adults within the United States are recipients of pharmacological interventions, constituting a key facet of the multifaceted approach to depression management. The efficacy of these medications in alleviating depressive symptoms is evident, yet it’s crucial to remain cognizant of potential […]

Home Remedies to Relieve Heartburn

Mild cases of heartburn can be treated at home. Here are a few remedies to consider. Heartburn presents as a distressing and fiery sensation that often emerges just beneath or behind the sternum. In excess of 60 million individuals in the United States undergo episodes of heartburn on a monthly basis. This uncomfortable phenomenon is […]

7 Foods for Depression

Incorporating more of these healthy foods into your diet may boost your mood naturally. A multitude of factors contribute to the onset of depression, encompassing genetics, hormones, illness, and stress. Additionally, your dietary choices play a significant role in influencing your susceptibility to this mental health condition. Certain foods have been linked to potential benefits […]

Physical and Mental Fitness are essential for Maintaining Back Health

To stave off the progression from occasional backaches to chronic and debilitating pain, a comprehensive approach addressing both physical and mental aspects is crucial, according to Dr. Zacharia Isaac, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Isaac emphasizes the following key elements for maintaining optimal back health: 1. Face […]

Chicken Soup for the Soul and Harvard Health serve up inspiration, information

Sipping a steaming bowl of chicken soup is good for both body and soul. The words from chicken soup, specifically Chicken Soup for the Soul books, can also contribute positively to your health. Excitingly, a new series of books from Harvard Medical School, published in collaboration with Chicken Soup for the Soul Health, aims to […]