Category Archives: Health Care

The Movement Mantras That Nike Trainers Use To Motivate Every Flow, Run, or Sweat Session

Finding the right motivation to power through a challenging workout is a universal struggle. The concept of movement mantras, positive affirmations tailored to specific workout modalities, can be a game-changer in overcoming mental hurdles and staying focused on fitness goals. Nike Well Collective trainers Clarissa Karunaratne and Briana Thompson share their favorite movement mantras, offering […]

How To Build Your Own Workout Routine: Plans, Schedules, and Exercises

Introduction: The Journey to a Stronger You Starting your fitness journey is like setting sail on a quest, not just to shape your body but to discover your own strength and endurance. Think of this guide as your trusty map, showing the way to a healthier and more resilient you. Your fitness journey is personal, […]

Lifting Weights Doesn’t Only Make Us Physically Stronger—It Can Support Trauma Healing, Too

Alyssa Ages’ extraordinary voyage through the worlds of Strongman, CrossFit, and Ironman serves as a compelling narrative, illustrating the profound emotional healing achievable within the realm of weight lifting. In her mid-30s, Alyssa confronted the heart-wrenching experience of a miscarriage, an episode that left her wrestling with vulnerability and a disconnection from her own body, […]

Eating Disorder Treatment Can Be Overwhelming—These Organizations Will Help You Take the First Step Toward Getting Well

Understanding the Scale of the Issue: Statistics and Treatment Gap In a 2020 report from Harvard STRIPED, the Academy for Eating Disorders, and Deloitte, it was revealed that 9 percent of the U.S. population—equivalent to 28.8 million Americans—will experience an eating disorder in their lifetime. However, only 23 percent of those diagnosed with an eating […]

Strength Training Workout Routines For Beginners (Home & Gym)

Introduction Welcome to a transformative journey! Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life—embarking on the exhilarating adventure of strength training. Don’t worry; it’s not as intimidating as it may seem. Whether you’re contemplating barbells in the gym, bodyweight exercises at home, or the allure of kettlebells, this guide is your compass. […]

5 Beginner Gym Workouts: How to Work Out in a Gym The Right Way!

Introduction Embarking on the journey of strength training in a gym can be both exciting and intimidating, especially for beginners. This comprehensive guide aims to provide not only a roadmap for workouts but also valuable insights into overcoming the initial anxieties associated with entering a gym environment. Scared to Work Out in a Gym? Regardless […]

40 Fun Ways to Exercise (Without Realizing It)

Introduction In a world where the demands of daily life can make finding time for exercise seem like an arduous task, the quest for making fitness enjoyable has become more crucial than ever. The realization that traditional notions of exercise may not resonate with everyone has led to a shift in focus — from structured […]

What Is Capsaicin?

While the name “capsaicin” may not be a household term for most, you are likely well-acquainted with its fiery taste, which leaves an unforgettable burning sensation on your taste buds. Capsaicin, the fiery compound found in chili peppers, is the secret behind that culinary excitement, setting your mouth ablaze with heat and adding a bold […]

6 Ways That Owning a Dog Can Majorly Boost Your Longevity

Introduction In the past year, the lives of my octogenarian parents have undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, thanks to the addition of Maisy, a delightful puppy, to our family. At the tender age of 80, my parents have discovered newfound physical and mental vitality, engaging in activities such as daily walks spanning several miles, fostering new […]

How to Do a Bodyweight Row or Inverted Row

Introduction Inverted bodyweight rows are indeed a fundamental exercise that can significantly contribute to the development of your pull muscles. Whether you’re a beginner aiming for your first pull-up or an experienced fitness enthusiast looking to enhance your upper body strength, incorporating inverted bodyweight rows into your workout routine can yield impressive results. To perform […]