Category Archives: Health Care

Understanding ADHD Symptoms: Signs, Types, and When to Seek Help

The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, often known as ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental problem, which simply means that it is a condition that interferes with the normal growth and development of the brain. Symptoms of ADHD often begin to manifest themselves throughout infancy and might continue into adulthood. However, these symptoms could shift as a youngster […]

How To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a prevalent form of dementia that affects memory, thinking, and decision-making abilities. It ranks as the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. While it is not possible to prevent Alzheimer’s, certain measures can help reduce the risk of developing the disease. These practices are beneficial for overall health and […]

Brain Training and Memory: What To Know

Brain training games have gained popularity as a means to improve cognitive abilities and maintain mental sharpness. However, the effectiveness of these games has been a subject of debate. Research has shown that supervised group training with brain games can lead to improvements in memory and mood among older adults experiencing mild cognitive decline. It […]

Exercise, Doing Chores, and Socializing Can All Help Lower Dementia Risk, Study Shows

Recent research published in the medical journal Neurology suggests that staying mentally and physically engaged can potentially lower the risk of developing dementia and cognitive decline later in life. The study, which analyzed participants’ self-reported behavior over a ten-year period, found that engaging in frequent exercise, physical activity, housework, and social interactions with family and […]

How Alzheimer’s Disease Progresses: From Diagnosis Through the 7 Stages

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder commonly affecting older adults, characterized by memory loss, confusion, behavioral changes, and other distressing symptoms. It is the most prevalent form of dementia, with approximately 10.7% of Americans aged 65 and above living with the condition, with women accounting for nearly two-thirds of cases.1 As the baby boomer […]

How Caregivers Can Manage Personality and Behavior Changes of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease can be a complex and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its challenges. As a caregiver, you may encounter new situations and emotions on a daily basis, which can leave you feeling overwhelmed and isolated at times. The role of caregiving can have a significant impact on your […]

9 Things To Do if You’re Having a Panic Attack

You receive an invitation to a party, and although you want to attend, the fear of having a panic attack and feeling trapped in a corner dampens your excitement. Socializing with friends should be enjoyable, but the constant worry about experiencing a panic attack makes it challenging to relax and enjoy the moment. According to […]

Before I Got an Anxiety Diagnosis Doctors Thought I Had MS, Chronic Fatigue, and a Heart Condition

I can vividly recall the exact moment when anxiety became a significant issue for me. It happened during a seemingly ordinary day in December when I was a college student registering for my upcoming semester’s classes. Back in those days, before the Internet was widely available, I had to physically go to a campus building’s […]

Low Hemoglobin, Explained

Hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells, plays a vital role in transporting oxygen throughout the body. In certain cases, hemoglobin levels can become too low, leading to various health concerns. There are diverse factors that can contribute to low hemoglobin levels, including specific medical conditions and nutritional deficiencies. Addressing low hemoglobin levels is […]

What Is Malaise?

Malaise is a condition that you may have encountered if you’ve ever felt weird but were unable to pinpoint exactly what was wrong with you. Malaise is not a disorder in and of itself; rather, it is one of the symptoms that might accompany a wide variety of other illnesses. It is characterized by feelings […]