Category Archives: Health Care

Daily Moves to Prevent Low Back Pain

When faced with the throes of low back pain, many men find themselves resorting to enduring discomfort, applying a soothing cold pack, and patiently awaiting relief. A prevalent experience, as four out of five individuals grapple with low back pain at some point. Yet, within this common plight lies an opportunity. Dr. Jeffrey N. Katz, […]

Common Causes of Constipation

Many factors can dispose a person to constipation. Some can easily be prevented by changing habits and lifestyle, but often the reason(s) are not so obvious. Common Causes of Constipation 1. Lack of Exercise: Regular exercise promotes good muscle tone, including abdominal and diaphragm muscles, which play a role in bowel movements. 2. Opioids: Opioid […]

Taming the Pain of Sciatica: For Most People, Time Heals and Less is More

Sciatica is characterized by pain resulting from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, responsible for transmitting messages from the brain down the spinal cord to the legs. This pain typically extends down one side, from the lower back into the leg, often reaching below the knee. A prevalent cause of sciatica is a bulging […]

4 Ways to turn Good Posture into Less Back Pain

Back pain is a common experience for many, often arising from factors like sports-related injuries, accidents, or congenital conditions. However, everyday activities such as sitting at a computer or lifting can contribute to tension and muscle tightness, leading to backaches. Enhancing posture is a key strategy for preventing back pain, complemented by maintaining overall physical […]

If you have Low Back Pain try these steps first

Low back pain is a pervasive issue, ranking as the second leading cause of disability in the United States and the fourth worldwide. It consistently ranks among the top five medical problems prompting individuals to seek medical attention. The prevalence of low back pain contributes significantly to missed workdays and is a major driver of […]

Three Steps to Build A Better Back

As the sands of time gracefully move forward, our bodies undergo a natural evolution. One area that often whispers the passage of years is the back. However, fear not, for embracing age doesn’t mean surrendering to back pain. In fact, a proactive approach centered on strengthening, stretching, and enhancing posture can be the key to […]

Bad Weather Isn’t to Blame for your Aching Back

The notion that changes in weather, such as impending storms, can affect back pain has been a common belief among many individuals, especially older adults. However, a study conducted by Australian researchers challenges this perception. The research, led by Daniel Steffens from the George Institute for Global Health at the University of Sydney, followed nearly […]

Mind Over Back Pain

Contrary to common assumptions about chronic back pain stemming from illness or injury, emerging research suggests that psychological factors play a significant role in its development. Numerous studies propose that thoughts, emotions, and subsequent behaviors are often the culprits behind chronic back pain, and an innovative study underscores the effectiveness of treatments targeting beliefs and […]

Best Bets for Back Pain

When dealing with back pain without resorting to prescription drugs, over-the-counter solutions and physical therapies can provide relief. Consider the following advice from Dr. Jeffrey N. Katz, professor of medicine and surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital: 1. Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: 2. Cold or Heat Therapy: 3. Stay Active: 4. Stretch and Strengthen: 5. Back-Safe […]

Physical Therapy as Good as Surgery and Less Risky for One Type of Lower Back Pain

A study featured in the Annals of Internal Medicine highlights lumbar spinal stenosis, a form of lower back pain often addressed through surgery. However, the research indicates that physical therapy yields comparable results with fewer associated complications, some of which may be life-threatening. Lumbar spinal stenosis involves the narrowing of the space within the lower […]