Category Archives: Health Care

The “Right” Goal When Managing Pain

It is logical to prioritize the reduction of pain as the main objective in pain treatment. Nevertheless, a recent editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine compellingly argues for a broader perspective when assessing the success of pain management, suggesting that factors beyond pain intensity should be considered. The balancing act of managing chronic […]

When to Get Help for Low Back Pain

Pain resulting from ruptured discs and arthritis doesn’t have to incapacitate you. There are various methods to alleviate lower back discomfort and decrease disability, often without resorting to pharmaceuticals. The challenges associated with spinal issues are an inherent consequence of our upright posture. The wear and tear on our backbones, coupled with the constant gravitational […]

The Alexander Technique can help you (literally) unwind

Frederick Matthias Alexander, a Shakespearean actor in the 1890s, faced the perplexing issue of frequently losing his voice during performances. Determined to uncover the cause, he meticulously observed himself in multiple mirrors and identified a crucial pattern: intense muscle contractions in his upper body, particularly the neck, altered his posture just before speaking. Alexander hypothesized […]

Sore Back? Try A Massage

Recovering from a low back pain flare-up can be a gradual process, spanning weeks to months. In conjunction with conventional care, such as anti-inflammatory pain relievers, staying active, undergoing physical therapy, and allowing the body to heal, massage therapy can offer additional relief. Massage has been shown to alleviate pain and facilitate a quicker return […]

Here’s Something Completely Different for Low Back Pain

The approach to back pain has evolved over the years, posing a question that has perplexed generations of patients and doctors. In the early 1980s, during my medical school days, the recommendation for severe back pain often involved bed rest for a week or more, sometimes even requiring hospital admission. However, research emerged, challenging this […]

The Surprising Side Effects from Using Technology

As you’ve become proficient in texting, emailing, and web surfing on your smartphone and computer, you may have unknowingly encountered an unexpected side effect. Dr. Tamara Rozental, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in hand, wrist, and elbow disorders at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, notes that there is an increasing number of patients developing injuries […]

Easy Exercises to Shore Up Your Core

Incorporating a few uncomplicated exercises into your daily routine can prove instrumental in fortifying your midsection. Contrary to common belief that core exercises predominantly focus on the abdominal region, it’s essential to recognize that the core encompasses a broader set of muscles, including those in the back, sides, pelvis, hips, and buttocks. According to insights […]

A Plan for Easy Stretching

Stretching is akin to flossing—it’s recognized as beneficial for health, yet people may not consistently incorporate it into their routines. Urvashi Chogle, a physical therapist at Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Network, emphasizes the importance of regular stretching, particularly as individuals age. Flexibility naturally diminishes over time due to factors such as muscle weakening, decreased strength, and […]

Babying Your Back May Delay Healing

When dealing with back pain, the inclination might be to consider surgical or other intervention options. However, in many cases, a less-is-more approach may prove effective, and traditional methods such as movement and exercise can be powerful allies in managing this common issue. The enigma of back pain Back pain stands out as one of […]