Category Archives: Infection

What Is Sinusitis? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

It can stick around for longer than you might think. A common cold can bring you to your knees, leaving you longing for healthier days. But how can you distinguish between a typical cold and a sinus infection? Sinus infections, affecting 31 million people in the United States annually, as reported by the American College […]

How To Soothe a Sore Throat Fast

Here are 13 remedies to ease throat soreness and scratchiness and speed your way to recovery A sore throat can be the initial sign of various underlying conditions, including viral or bacterial infections like strep throat, smoking-related irritation, or other health issues. When that scratchy, painful sensation strikes, your immediate concern is finding quick relief. […]

Infectious Disease Experts Warn: Brace for Yellow Fever Resurgence in U.S.

Infectious disease experts from Baylor College of Medicine and Stanford School of Medicine, in a publication in the New England Journal of Medicine, highlight the historical devastation caused by yellow fever between 1820 and 1905 and stress its potential return. With the rise of similar illnesses in the American South, experts advocate for enhanced surveillance, […]

US scientists infect volunteers with Zika in hunt for vaccines, treatments

Researchers in the United States have shown for the first time they can safely and effectively infect human volunteers with Zika virus, a step towards learning more about the disease and developing vaccines and treatments. The study – known as a “controlled human infection model” – has previously been controversial for Zika because of the […]

Scientists infect volunteers with Zika in hunt for vaccines, treatments

Oct 21 (Reuters) – Researchers in the United States have shown for the first time they can safely and effectively infect human volunteers with Zika virus, a step towards learning more about the disease and developing vaccines and treatments. The study – known as a “controlled human infection model” – has previously been controversial for […]

Mushrooming Mystery: How Fungal Infections Echo Alzheimer’s Disease in the Brain

Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine explored the role of the fungus Candida albicans in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Through animal models, they found that the fungus breaches the blood-brain barrier using enzymes and can produce amyloid beta (Ab)-like peptides, toxic protein fragments believed to be central to Alzheimer’s. A study from Baylor College […]

Experts fear skin-disfiguring parasite ‘endemic’ as infections spread across US

A sharp rise in skin-disfiguring parasite infections is leaving experts concerned as cases continue to rise in the US – with many fearing an “endemic.” According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 1,222 positive cases in the US of Leishmania, a parasite transmitted through the bites of infected female sandflies. These […]

Vaginal infection during pregnancy: Here’s what to do

Getting pregnant is something that many women wish for. Once the journey begins, they start watching their diet, become more careful and do everything to make sure the unborn child is healthy. The journey, however, may not always be smooth. Some women may end up facing vaginal infections. Going by a 2009 study published in […]

New research offers clues to what causes long COVID — fuelling hope for eventual treatments

This story is part of CBC Health’s Second Opinion, a weekly analysis of health and medical science news emailed to subscribers on Saturday mornings. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do that by clicking here. For several years, scientists have tried to untangle one of COVID-19’s persistent puzzles: Why do some people, even after mild […]