Category Archives: Infection

COVID-19 Pneumonia—the Lung Infection Caused by Getting COVID-19

Developing pneumonia as the result of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has made the world acutely aware that this viral illness doesn’t affect everyone in the same way. While most individuals who contract the SARS-CoV-2 virus experience mild to moderate symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and coughing, others may face a more severe and life-threatening course […]

What Can Cause Pneumonia?

Experts explain what’s most likely to cause pneumonia—and ways you can avoid getting the lung infection. Pneumonia is a common respiratory infection that affects people of all ages, causing symptoms such as trouble breathing, chest pain, cough, and fever. While these symptoms are similar regardless of the cause, understanding the underlying factors responsible for your […]

Fungal Infections in The Brain May Cause Alzheimer’s-Like Symptoms

A common type of fungi has now been shown to penetrate the mammal brain and trigger toxic amyloid plaques like those associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The findings were made among mice, but the research suggests that a key hallmark of some neurodegenerative conditions could originate from sources outside the brain. Amyloid protein clumps that show […]

7 Types of Pneumonia

Depending on the cause—bacteria, fungi, or viruses—different types of pneumonia require different treatments. Pneumonia is a common respiratory illness characterized by inflammation of the lungs, often resulting from the accumulation of fluid or pus in the air sacs. While many cases of pneumonia are caused by infections, there are various types of pneumonia, each with […]

Why Do Some People Die From Pneumonia?

Most people–young and old–who get pneumonia recover. Find out what makes a person more at risk for serious complications. Pneumonia, a potentially life-threatening lung infection, is a medical condition that, while often unpleasant, can be successfully treated within a few weeks. Nevertheless, in severe cases, pneumonia can lead to fatal outcomes, particularly for individuals within […]

Signs and Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia, a respiratory infection that affects the lungs, is a condition that can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening severity. Understanding the symptoms and recognizing when to seek medical care are crucial aspects of managing pneumonia effectively. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the various types of pneumonia, their common symptoms, and when it’s […]

Pneumonia Cough: How It Might Sound Different From Other Coughs

A pneumonia cough tends to be deeper and presents with other pneumonia symptoms, like fever, chills, and fatigue. Coughing is a common symptom that can be indicative of various underlying medical conditions, one of which is pneumonia. Understanding the nature of a pneumonia-induced cough is crucial for timely diagnosis and effective treatment. In this comprehensive […]

Bronchitis vs. Pneumonia: How to Tell the Difference

Either illness could be causing that lingering cough. As the fall and winter seasons approach, our respiratory systems face a heightened risk of encountering various illnesses, including the common cold, influenza (the flu), and viral infections such as COVID-19. Among the ailments that target our airways, bronchitis and pneumonia stand out, presenting a particularly challenging […]

What Pneumonia Symptoms Feel Like

Fever and cough are typical symptoms of this common lung infection. Here’s what else to watch for. Pneumonia is a prevalent and potentially serious respiratory infection that affects the lungs. It can be contracted through various means, including coughing, sneezing, touching contaminated surfaces, or inhaling airborne pathogens. This article delves into the nuances of pneumonia, […]

Baltimore City to provide free COVID-19 vaccines to children and adults on Fridays

Baltimore City to provide free COVID-19 vaccines to children and adults on Fridays Baltimore City to provide free COVID-19 vaccines to children and adults on Fridays 02:21 BALTIMORE — The Baltimore City Health Department will offer new COVID-19 vaccines to children and adults at no cost. The offer extends to adults who are uninsured or […]