Category Archives: Infection

Pharmacists could soon be given the power to prescribe UTI medication in South Australia

Like many people, Laura Sarnari knows the pain, discomfort and inconvenience of having a urinary tract infection. Key points: A parliamentary committee has spent nine months investigating UTIs and their treatments It has recommended pharmacists be given the power to prescribe antibiotics for UTIs Evidence to the inquiry found people often face long waits to see a GP […]

Biden administration doles out $100M to research drug-resistant infections

The Biden ad­min­is­tra­tion is pump­ing $100 mil­lion in­to a re­search project fo­cused on com­bat­ing the threat of drug-re­sis­tant bac­te­ria, the Ad­vanced Re­search Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) an­nounced Wednes­day. ARPA-H, which the Biden ad­min­is­tra­tion es­tab­lished last year, will spear­head the ini­tia­tive through its Open Broad Agency An­nounce­ment for fund­ing pro­pos­als. The project, dubbed De­feat­ing An­tibi­ot­ic […]

New technology could pave the way to rapid infection testing

New technology could pave the way to a future of rapid testing in hospitals and at home for both covid and urinary tract infection. It could also be used to keep track of blood sugar levels during operations and wireless monitoring of various bacterial infections. In her research, Electrochemical (bio)sensors operating in human physiological fluids, […]

Colorado reports fatal plague infection

dragana991 / iStock In another new study to quantify the clinical features of long COVID, or post COVID condition (PCC), authors publishing in PLoS One describe the key clinical features noted in the UK general-practice setting. Using information about symptoms recorded in primary care consultation notes, the study authors reviewed the health records of those […]

Parasitic worm transmitted by infected rats and snails found in Atlanta, study says

The parasitic worm of rats is known as Angiostrongylus cantonensis or rat lungworm. ATLANTA — A parasitic worm spread by contaminated rats and worms has been found in Atlanta, according to new research published in a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention journal.  The parasitic worm of rats is known as Angiostrongylus cantonensis or rat […]

CVPH resumes universal masking as COVID infections rates rise

Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, known as CVPH, in Plattsburgh. Photo: Emily Russell Sep 27, 2023 — University of Vermont Health Network, Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital is requiring patients and visitors to resume masking. The Plattsburgh hospital says the change comes as COVID infection rates rise in the region and the hospital itself manages an outbreak. […]

BSI-AST chip: A powerful tool to accelerate antimicrobial susceptibility testing for bloodstream infections

The on-chip pretreatment and rapid AST directly from positive blood cultures. Credit:  Liu Yang The presence of viable bacteria in the blood (bacteremia) when not controlled properly can lead to bloodstream infection (BSI) and sepsis, a syndromic inflammatory response. Rapid and accurate antimicrobial prescriptions are critical to decrease mortality significantly for BSI patients. However, the […]

Evolving Symptomatology: Respiratory Viruses in the Era of COVID-19 Variants

COVID-19 germs, fungi, bacteria objects. (Adobe Stock 584704860 by chawalit) When the United Kingdom government implemented a new approach to “living with COVID-19” in February 2022, other countries soon followed suit. As restrictions were lifted and people returned to their usual interactions, respiratory viruses and SARS-COV-2 resurfaced that had been suppressed because of lockdowns and […]

COVID-19 first infectious disease in top five causes of death since 1970

Credit: Martin Sanchez on Unsplash COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death in 2022, accounting for more than 1 in 20 deaths (9,859 of 190,939 deaths), according to figures released today (Sept. 27) by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Lauren Moran, ABS head of mortality statistics, said, “This marks the first time an […]

Flesh-eating bacteria still a killer but cases down in SW Florida compared to aftermath of Ian

Southwest Florida has seen two cases of flesh-eating bacteria recently but the overall number of infections statewide was down this past summer compared to a record-setting 2022, according to data. One case of the rare Vibrio vulnificus was reported this month in Collier County and Lee County had one case in August, according to the […]