Category Archives: Infection

China reports no ‘unusual or novel pathogens’ after WHO seeks data on respiratory illness outbreak

The World Health Organization said Thursday that Beijing had responded to its request for data and said that no unusual or novel pathogens have been detected. China has been facing a surge in respiratory infections such as influenza and clusters of pneumonia among children, with hospitals reporting being “overwhelmed.” The WHO said that the surge […]

Novel Surgical Implant Kills Infection-Causing Bacteria Without Compromising Tissue Integration

Image: Researchers tested the new 3D-printed material’s resistance to fatigue (Photo courtesy of WSU Photo Services) Around the world, numerous surgeries, including hip and knee replacements, are routinely performed. One major complication of these procedures is bacterial colonization on the implants, a primary factor leading to implant failure and adverse postoperative outcomes. Typically, the materials […]

Nearly 90% of vets fear losing the ability to treat infections due to AMR

Almost 90% of UK vets are concerned about losing the ability to treat infections in animals as a result of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The new figures are from the British Veterinary Association’s (BVA) latest ‘Voice of the Veterinary Profession’ survey. The results were released in association with World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (November 18-24). Other concerns […]

China claims all clear on child respiratory disease

The World Health Organization (WHO) said Chinese authorities had provided data on an upsurge in respiratory illnesses among children and given the all clear. China’s data suggested the new lung infections were caused by a number of known pathogens, including influenza viruses and mycoplasma bacteria which tend to affect children more than adults. During the […]

No new pathogens in respiratory disease surge, China tells WHO

It is not unusual for the WHO to ask a member country to give further information regarding outbreaks. A country has 24 hours to respond. The WHO request drew widespread attention as it revived concerns about the evolution of Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, and the possibility of new pathogens, as well as debates […]

India on alert after China outbreak of respiratory infections – La Prensa Latina Media

New Delhi, Nov 24 (EFE).- The Indian government said on Friday that it was “closely monitoring” the outbreak of a respiratory disease and clusters of pneumonia in children in China, even as the risk of human-to-human spread remained “low.” “India is prepared for any kind of public health exigency,” a health ministry statement said. “(The) […]

“Plus de cas et plus graves”: les infections pulmonaires chez les enfants en hausse, une bactérie surveillée

En cette fin novembre, les infections pulmonaires sont en hausse chez les moins de 15 ans de façon plus importante que les hivers précédents. La bactérie mycoplasma pneumoniae fait l’objet d’une surveillance spécifique. Les médecins en alerte. Les infections pulmonaires sont en hausse en cette fin novembre, en particulier chez les enfants, selon SOS Médecins. […]

Chinese hospitals overloaded as pneumonia rampages

China is grappling with an alarming surge in respiratory illness, particularly among children, in many parts of the country, according to reports in local media, state news outlets and most recently the World Health Organization. The ailments, which the global health agency believes is due in part to an upsurge of mycoplasma pneumonia, is not […]

Tehama County sees an increase in Salmonella and Campylobacter infections

RED BLUFF — In recent months, an alarming increase in cases of Salmonella and Campylobacter infections has been reported across Tehama County. Tehama County Public Health said through awareness and proactive measures, the community can significantly reduce the risks associated with these infections. Salmonella and Campylobacter are common bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses. Ingesting these […]