Category Archives: Infection

As leprosy cases rise in Florida, what you must know about the infectious disease

Experts warn that one of the oldest infectious diseases in history — leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease — now may be endemic in Florida, according to a recent report.  From 2015 to 2020, 34% of new cases in the U.S. seem to be acquired locally without the traditional risk factor of international travel, where […]

Revolutionary Treatment Emerges in the Battle Against Deadly Fungi

Researchers have found a novel way to combat fungal infections by blocking the fungi’s production of fatty acids. The new compound, NPD6433, has shown effectiveness across a broad spectrum of fungi and offers hope in the face of increasing global drug resistance. Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Research Science (CSRS) and the University […]

UK man catches mysterious never-before-seen infection after being bitten by cat

A UK man has baffled doctors after he developed a mysterious bacterial infection after he was bitten by a stray cat. The 38-year-old endured “painful” hand swelling, puncture wounds and abrasions around eight hours after the feral feline attacked him. Doctors, who classed him as obese, said the man was rushed to hospital following the […]

UK man bitten by cat suffers excruciating infection caused by unknown bacteria

A MAN was left with an excruciating infection caused by a previously unknown bacteria after he was bit by a cat. The obese man, 48, rushed to an emergency department in Cambridge after his hand started to swell. A man from Cambridge’s hand (pictured) swelled up after he was bitten by a feral cat. The […]

DOH: 977 new COVID-19 infections from July 31 to August 6

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health (DOH) on Monday said it recorded  977 COVID-19 infections from July 31 to August 6, lower than the 1,302 recorded the previous week. Based on the DOH’s latest data, the total translated to a daily average of 140, 25 percent lower than the 186 recorded daily average from […]

New hope for millions of children who suffer from ear infections

There’s new hope for millions of Australian children who suffer from painful and persistent ear infections. Researchers at the University of Adelaide are on the cusp of a breakthrough, with work underway on a vaccine that could provide a permanent solution to the chronic problem. Anabelle Telfer has endured the pain of relentless ear infections, […]

Getting a tan on holiday can make you ‘more vulnerable to infections’

Sunshine breaks are bad for the skin – and make people more vulnerable to infections, a new study warns. Researchers have shown that getting a holiday tan has a negative impact on the short-term diversity and composition of the skin’s bacterial make-up. They explained that our skin, the largest organ of the human body, is […]

Here’s the truth about taking antibiotics and how they work

Prior to the discovery of antibiotics, infectious diseases were rampant. Communicable diseases were the most common cause of death, and the average lifespan was about 47 years old. However, this changed with the discovery of penicillin, the first antibiotic. In the U.S., the leading causes of death changed from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases like […]

People living with HIV respond well to COVID-19 infection and vaccination

A recent study published in Frontiers in Immunology examines the antibody response to natural infection or coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination in individuals living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Study: Despite delayed kinetics, people living with HIV achieve equivalent antibody function after SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination. Image Credit: Oselote / Introduction Current estimates indicate that […]