Category Archives: Infection

A Mystery Illness Is Spreading Rapidly Through Dogs in The US

Hundreds of dogs across the United States are falling ill with a mysterious respiratory infection the likes of which veterinarians have not seen. Since mid-August, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) has received more than 200 case reports from veterinarians. Cases have also popped up in other states, like Colorado, Illinois, New Hampshire, and Nevada. […]

Bleach does not tackle fatal hospital superbug, UK researchers find

Liquid bleach does not kill off a hospital superbug that can cause fatal infections, researchers have found. The researchers say new approaches are needed towards disinfection in care settings. Clostridium difficile, also known as C diff, is a type of bacteria found in the human gut. While it can coexist alongside other bacteria without problem, […]

Infected trees to be removed at Lincoln Birthplace

Six infected trees are set for removal at Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park. Officials will remove six ash trees surrounding the Sinking Spring site the week of Dec. 4. Infected with the Emerald Ash Borer, these trees have developed structural defects and will be removed to provide a safer environment, a news release from […]

To reduce inflammation induced by S. aureus infection.

Introduction Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most difficult-to-treat hospital bacteria, and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) has become a major challenge in the fight against staphylococci.1 Staphylococcal infections are the cause of various diseases, and the most common are infections of the skin, digestive tract, joints, and bacteremia. These conditions can range from mild pathology […]

Scientists create living phlegm replica to study cystic fibrosis infections

Scientists have engineered a living material resembling human phlegm, which will help them to better understand how a certain kind of infection develops on the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis. The study, published in Matter, was led by Dr Yuanhao Wu and is a collaboration between Professor Alvaro Mata in the School of Pharmacy […]

Bacterial Infections Spike In Viral Season, Rise In Hosp Admissions |

Kolkata: While viral pneumonia is common at this time of the year, bacterial pneumonia cases have overtaken the former at several hospitals this season. Along with a spate of viruses, bacterial infections have been spiralling rapidly across the city with several hospitals having witnessed a risein admissions over the last one week. They have been […]

Tuberculosis is the deadliest infectious disease in the world, and cases are on the rise in Colorado

A stubborn cough can be a sign of tuberculosis or TB. Tuberculosis is still around, and cases are on the rise in Colorado. Photo: Getty Images. You may think COVID-19 is the world’s deadliest infectious disease, but it’s actually tuberculosis or TB, and cases of TB are on the rise this year after a 10-year […]

DHS: Cantaloupes linked to salmonella infections sold in Wisconsin

MADISON (NBC 26) — The Wisconsin Department of Health Services said in a news release Tuesday that cantaloupes linked to salmonella infections have been sold in Wisconsin. The agency said at least four people in four Wisconsin counties are sick, and two are hospitalized. Forty-three people in 15 states have been infected with the salmonella […]

New insight uncovers how to reverse ‘zombie’ brain fog after Covid-19 infection

There’s new insight into so-called ‘zombie’ cells that can age the brains of Covid-19 patients, contributing to brain fog and memory loss. Scientists have uncovered how to reverse the ageing effects of ‘zombie’ cells in Covid-19 patients, sparking fresh hope the findings could be used in Alzheimer’s research. Senescent cells, also known as zombie cells, […]

What We Know About the Mysterious Respiratory Illness Affecting Dogs

Dogs in at least seven states have been infected. Symptoms include coughing, fever, lethargy and intermittent loss of appetite. A mysterious respiratory illness that has been sickening dogs continues to spread across the United States while veterinarians try to determine its causes and the best methods for treating it. The symptoms are similar to kennel […]