Category Archives: Infection

Web browsing is the primary entry vector for ransomware infections

The most widely used method for ransomware delivery in 2022 was via URL or web browsing (75.5%), Palo Alto Networks researchers have found. In 2021, it was email attachments (i.e., delivery via SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols), but in 2022 that particular delivery channel was used only in 12% of attempts. Ransomware delivery vectors in […]

2 Michigan residents test positive for mosquito-borne Jamestown Canyon virus

A resident of Oakland County and another from Macomb County have tested positive for the Jamestown Canyon virus. They have the first confirmed human cases of mosquito-borne disease in Michigan in 2023, state health officials said. They may also be the first in the U.S. to contract the virus this year. The U.S. Centers for […]

Brain-eating amoeba kills swimmer after likely infection while taking dip in lake

A swimmer has been killed by a rare brain-eating amoeba, which is believed to have infected them while they bathed in a US lake. The person, who has not been identified, but hailed from the state of Georgia, died after exposure to the Naegleria fowleri organism which caused the infection. Georgia’s Department of Public Health […]

What you need to know about swimmer’s ear, a potentially serious infection

The best part of summer? Cooling off in the water. Whether it’s a pool, lake, or ocean, (or a childhood favorite: running around in the sprinklers) many of us are searching for ways to cool off while still soaking up the summer sun.  But these summer activities can sometimes come at a mildly irritating cost: […]

Madonna says she feels ‘lucky’ to be alive after hospitalization

Madonna said she feels “lucky” to be alive and grateful to her loved ones for supporting her after the “Queen of Pop” was hospitalized due to a bacterial infection that forced her to postpone the launch of an international tour. “Love from family and friends is the best Medicine,” Madonna, 64, wrote in an Instagram […]

Georgia resident dies from rare brain-eating amoeba

A Georgia resident has died from a rare brain-eating amoeba after they were likely infected while swimming in a freshwater lake or pond, officials said. The resident, who has not yet been identified, died after being exposed to Naegleria fowleri, which can cause a rare infection that “destroys brain tissue, causing brain swelling and usually […]

Brain-Eating Amoeba Kills 2nd Person in July, This Time In Georgia

You figure that anything with the nickname brain-eating is not going to be good. That certainly applies to Naegleria fowleri, which has been dubbed the “brain-eating amoeba.” And this month two people have died from the extensive brain damage caused by this single-celled microorganism. Earlier this month, a two-year-old child died after visiting Ash Springs […]

‘Quake zone at risk of infections passed on by mosquitoes’

ISTANBUL In order to prevent any epidemics, a research study by a group of infectious diseases and public health experts has cautioned that the fight against mosquitoes in the earthquake-affected areas should be carried out extremely thoroughly, especially in high-risk areas for malaria, such as Adana and Mersin provinces. The article about the study drawing […]