Category Archives: Infection

Taking Amoxicillin for a Sinus Infection

Amoxil (amoxicillin) is an antibiotic used to help kill bacteria that can cause infections in your body, such as a sinus infection. Sinus infections can be viral and self-limiting, which means your body can usually fight the infection off on its own and does not require antibiotics. Taking antibiotics for a viral infection won’t help […]

From Belief to Behavior: An IP’s Step-by-step Approach to Changing Belief Systems

Connection and influence (Adobe Stock FILE #: 330686926 By Andrii Zastrozhnov) Soaking wet from my long walk in the icy cold rain, I entered Grandma’s house in the early spring of my 11th year. “Goodness, child,” she exclaimed. “Now, just look at yourself. You’re gonna catch a cold lookin’ that way. You come over here right this […]

Honey made by ants could treat some bacterial and fungal infections

Honeypot ants (Camponotus inflatus) hanging from the ceiling of a nest, engorged with nectar Minden Pictures/Alamy Honey produced by a type of ant in Australia has antimicrobial properties that could one day lead to new treatments against some bacterial and fungal infections. Australian honeypot ants (Camponotus inflatus) are found in arid regions of central and […]

Hold the antibiotics: UPMC researchers design test for bacterial infection

About 5 million antibiotic prescriptions are written each year to treat kids for acute sinusitis, according to new research from UPMC that finds roughly half those scripts are useless and could be doing more harm than good. Acute sinusitis is a complication of a regular cold that inflames the sinuses, causing a running nose, congestion, […]

Scientifically Speaking | The Mysterious Cases of Algal Infections

ByAnirban Mahapatra Jul 26, 2023 12:45 PM IST Share Via Copy Link The lesson is that our planet is full of many life forms that continue to surprise us. Even the most unlikely organisms—such as algae—can threaten human health Sometimes, I ponder the possibility of discovering life beyond our planet, a breakthrough that would profoundly […]

Bangladesh fears record high death toll from dengue outbreak

DHAKA, July 26 (Reuters) – Dengue is spreading rapidly through densely populated Bangladesh this rainy season, raising fears that the mosquito-borne disease could result in a record number of deaths and infections for the second consecutive year. At least 201 people, more than half of them in the capital Dhaka, have died and more than […]

The Economic Burden of COVID-19 Infections amongst Health Care Workers in the First Year of the Pandemic in Kenya, Colombia, Eswatini, and South Africa

Attachments This joint report by the World Bank and Resolve to Save Lives estimates for the first time the economic burden of health care worker infection and death during COVID-19. It provides a framework for understanding the true cost, capturing the direct and indirect cost of HCW infections, their contributions to wider community transmissions and […]

The Economic Burden of COVID-19 Infections amongst Health Care Workers

The health workforce is critical to global health security, but around the world, many health care workers (HCWs) lack even basic protections against infectious disease. The consequences are dire: HCWs face disproportionate risk of illness and death, exacerbating both the health and economic impacts of an outbreak, including through increased disease transmission and disruptions to essential […]

Conjunctivitis alert: Follow these tips to prevent red eye infection

On the flip side of all the green trees, tantalising rain showers and mouth-watering snacks, monsoon brings with it a host of infections and disease for people. Out of all the people of different age groups, children and elders are the worst affected.  There have been a spurt in cases of conjunctivitis, also known as […]