Category Archives: Infection

My baby daughter’s ‘eczema’ turned out to be a deadly infection

WHEN baby Nancy Shave developed a rash on her face, her mum thought it was just her eczema playing up. But five days later, devastated Melissa Shave, 32, was told to say goodbye to her little girl who, aged just 20 months, had, in fact, developed Strep A. Three-year-old Nancy Shave, of Madeley, Newcastle under […]

COVID’s evolution may have been driven by human behavior, say biologists

Human behavior may have influenced the evolution of new strains of COVID-19, new AI models suggest. Vaccination and immune pressures from previous infections are known to cause the emergence of new strains of virus, evolved to bypass our existing immunity. But research from Nagoya University in Japan suggests that our own behavior may have also […]

Cautious Kansans understand severity of COVID-19 and care about their neighbors

Opinion editor Clay Wirestone recently called those who mitigate against COVID-19 infection “terrified,” comparing them to vaccine skeptics in their rejection of science. On the contrary, we are acting with caution because we understand science — and because we care about our neighbors. I moderate Still COVIDing in Kansas, a Facebook group for people who […]

Florida reports cases of Listeria as CDC warns of outbreak linked to peaches, nectarines, and plums

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a food safety alert regarding a multistate outbreak of Listeria infections. The CDC is recalling whole peaches, nectarines, and plums distributed by HMC Farms or Signature Farms. The fruits were distributed nationwide, including in Florida, and could potentially be contaminated with Listeria. Here is everything you […]

Expensive air purifiers won’t necessarily keep you healthy, experts say

Despite high-powered advertisements, air-filtration systems designed to make social interactions safer in indoor spaces are not effective in the real world and don’t minimize the danger of your picking up viral infections. That’s the claim of researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) who have just published a meta-analysis on efficacy of air-filtration, germicidal […]

What Are Bladder Infections?

Bladder infections have an uncanny knack for seizing your attention. You find yourself making frequent trips to the bathroom, yet the persistent sensation of urgency remains. Once inside the restroom, the routine act of urination is no longer mindless; instead, a burning or stinging discomfort accompanies every pee. These unmistakable signs herald the onset of […]

What Is the Plague?

You might assume that the plague, historically known as the Black Death, is a relic of the past, vanishing alongside knights in armor and medieval village life. However, this ancient scourge, which once swept across the world with deadly consequences, still lingers among us. The disease that plagued our ancestors has not gone extinct; it […]

Reducing Surgical Site Infections Post-Caesarean Section

Introduction Childbirth, one of the most basic and natural functions, is not without risk, particularly when medical intervention such as Caesarean Section (CS) is required. Undergoing a caesarean increases the risk of maternal infection is associated with increased complications for subsequent deliveries and leads to increased financial costs.1 Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of […]