Category Archives: Infection

Infections from animals may cause 12 times more deaths by 2050

Most modern epidemics have been caused by pathogens that spread from animals to humans. These zoonotic diseases have been predicted to increase with climate change. ADVERTISEMENT Four types of animal-to-human infections are increasing at an “exponential rate” and could kill 12 times more people in 2050 than in 2020, according to a new study. Researchers […]

Dynamics of iron metabolism in patients with bloodstream infections: a time-course clinical study

Abstract The close relationship between infectious diseases and iron metabolism is well known, but a more detailed understanding based on current knowledge may provide new insights into the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases, considering the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This study investigated adult patients with bloodstream infections, temporal changes, and relationships between blood […]

Healio: Q&A: New imaging method enables quick lung infection identification

With the current chest imaging technology, patients with suspected lung infections are unable to receive a specific diagnosis unless they undergo an invasive procedure and wait 2 to 3 days for their results. In a Q & A with Healio news, Kotagiri explains the research, which is funded by the grant from the National Heart, […]

Not implementing generic PrEP programs for young MSM would be ‘throwing away’ lives, money

November 06, 2023 2 min read Add topic to email alerts Receive an email when new articles are posted on Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on . <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-loading-text="Loading ” data-action=”subscribe”> Subscribe Added to email alerts We were unable to process your request. […]

Epidemiologic changes of infectious diseases in the post-SARS era in China, 2004–2018

Epidemiological changes Although the overall incidence of infectious diseases in China showed an increasing trend from 2004 to 2018, fortunately, the trend levelled off after 2010. Overall mortality from infectious diseases has risen significantly, with HIV/AIDS replacing tuberculosis and rabies as the leading cause of death from infectious diseases since 2008. The incidence of most […]

Experts warn Hongkongers to prepare for winter rise in flu, Covid cases

As Hong Kong steps into winter, Tony Ko Pat-sing, the Hospital Authority chief executive, warned residents to prepare for a rise in flu cases. This is the first winter without a mandatory mask-wearing policy since the Covid-19 pandemic began, and people’s immunity has weakened. Ko said he expected a high number of influenza – also […]

Hospitals’ pediatrics departments operating at peaks, with emerging cross-infection of MPP and other respiratory diseases

Patients with mycoplasma pneumoniae infection get IVs at a hospital in Zhengzhou in Central China’s Henan Province on October 20, 2023. Photo: IC The number of patients at pediatrics departments at hospitals in multiple places across China have remained at peaks in recent days, with cross-infection cases of different respiratory diseases emerging. Experts remind the […]

Strep A: Mother praises ‘decisive’ doctors who saved daughter’s life

Family handout By James W Kelly BBC News A mother has praised the “decisive action” taken by doctors who saved her daughter’s life from invasive strep group A infection. Sofia Brooks, then aged 17 months, was treated by medics at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in February. Her mother, Nikki Borkovic, said: “We know we are […]