Category Archives: Infection

Patient count in cyclospora outbreaks tops 2,200

Outbreaks of infections from the cyclospora parasite has been declared over by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with more than 2,000 patients logged. The outbreaks, which were first reported by the CDC on May 25, have been ongoing since April this year. As of Oct. 24 the agency reported 2,272 laboratory confirmed patients […]

Patient count in cyclospora outbreak tops 2,200

An outbreak of infections from the cyclospora parasite has been declared over by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with more than 2,000 patients logged. The outbreak, which was first reported by the CDC on May 25, has been ongoing since April this year. As of Oct. 24 the agency reported 2,272 laboratory confirmed […]

At least 35 people confirmed sick in E. coli outbreak linked to San Diego restaurant

The patient count from E. coli infections associated with a San Diego restaurant has risen to 35, according to county health officials At least 10 of the patients, including four children, have required hospitalization after eating at Miguel’s Cocina in San Diego’s 4S Ranch neighborhood. The restaurant had been closed for 10 days, but reopened […]

Michael J Fox says he almost lost his hand to an infection in new interview

Hannes Magerstaedt/Getty Images Michael J Fox at an award ceremony earlier this year in Munich, Germany. Michael J Fox has revealed he falls daily, has broken numerous bones and almost lost his hand to an infection in a new interview. The Back to the Future Actor was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1991, aged 29. […]

Pfizer ‘seeking approval from Hong Kong authorities to introduce RSV vaccine’

Its symptoms include a runny nose, cough, headache, decreased appetite, body ache or weakness, as well as potential inflammation and a build-up of mucus in the middle ear. “RSV can lead to the formation of syncytia, meaning that cells are fused together,” Kwan said. “The large piece of dead cells could block the respiratory tract […]

Kerala records huge spike in infectious diseases; dengue, H1N1 cases rise alarmingly

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala is witnessing an alarming rise in the spread of infectious diseases, especially dengue and swine flu cases. While the dengue cases recorded a three-fold rise, the number of H1N1 cases being reported rose by nearly 10 times.The spike comes at a time when there are complaints that many private hospitals have not been handing […]

A spelling error caused Maryland fans to unintentionally cheer for infections

Deciding to paint your chest before going to a sporting event has never seemed that weird by fandom standards. It does, however, present some logistical issues that need to be addressed well before game day. After all, if you’re going through the effort of buying the paint, getting someone to apply it to you and […]

Check your eye drops: Certain products can cause eye infection

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The FDA is warning consumers to stop using more than two dozen over-the-counter eye drop products. Certain products sold at major retail stores and pharmacies like Target and CVS could cause an eye infection that could lead to vision loss. The FDA issued warnings about 27 eye drop products that contain bacteria […]