Category Archives: Infection

Michael J. Fox Says He Almost Lost His Hand After Infection

Michael J. Fox‘s health problems are no secret to the world — but they’re far more dire than just about anyone could’ve imagined … ’cause the guy nearly became an amputee. The beloved actor got into the full extent of his medical hurdles with Town & Country, opening up about just how banged up he’s […]

Weekly Rounds: Hot Topics in IPC, Infection Intel, Inhaled Therapies for Lung Functions, and More

Here are 5 highlights from Infection Control Today®’s (ICT®’s) wide-ranging coverage of the infection prevention and control world. Everything from interviews with known opinion leaders to the news that infection preventionists and other health care professionals can use on their jobs. Hot Topics in IPC: Influenza, COVID-19, and Mechanical Ventilation and Drug-Resistant Pathogens In this Hot […]

If My Husband Goes Down On Me, Something Terrible Might Happen to Him

How to Do It is Slate’s sex advice column. Have a question? Send it to Stoya and Rich here. It’s anonymous! Dear How to Do It,  I have been with my partner for about 12 years. The last time we had PIV intercourse was before the pandemic. Since then, an array of physical and mental health issues on […]

Pediatric Infectious Disease Physician Dr. Jency Daniel joins Albany Med

ALBANY – Jency Daniel, MD, has joined the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the Bernard & Millie Duker Children’s Hospital at Albany Medical Center, a member of the Albany Med Health System, and has been appointed assistant professor at Albany Medical College. Dr. Daniel will see patients from birth through young adulthood who have […]

2 arrested over unlicensed medical practices at Hong Kong beauty services chain

Hong Kong police have arrested two women over alleged unlicensed medical practices at a beauty services chain which has had 16 clients develop a bacterial infection after a fat removal treatment, bringing the number of suspects apprehended to four. The force on Saturday revealed that one of the two women, 27, was arrested in Cheung […]

RFK Jr.: I’d Make NIH Take a ‘Break’ From Infectious Diseases

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: NIH Should Take a ‘Break’ From Infectious Diseases Skip to Main Content Trump Leads Biden in Five Vital Swing States, NYT Poll Finds RACING AHEAD Biden is ahead of Trump by two percentage points in Wisconsin—but trails in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Radio Anchor Executed While Fans Watched Live […]

FDA Warns Against Using 28 Eye Drop Products Due To Infection, Blindness Risk

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just dropped a series of really eye-opening warnings about 28 different over-the-counter eye drop products. The warnings are to immediately stop using any of these products because doing so could result in some pretty bad eye infections. What’s pretty bad? How about the kind that could lead […]

Antibiotics for common childhood infections not effective in large parts of world: Study

Antibiotics for common childhood infections not effective in large parts of world: Study, ET HealthWorld <section class="container article-section status_prime_article single-post currentlyInViewport inViewPort" id="news_dtl_104968624" data-article="0" page-title="Antibiotics for common childhood infections not effective in large parts of world: Study" data-href="" data-msid="104968624" data-news="{"link":"/news/industry/antibiotics-for-common-childhood-infections-not-effective-in-large-parts-of-world-study/104968624","seolocation":"/news/industry/antibiotics-for-common-childhood-infections-not-effective-in-large-parts-of-world-study/104968624","seolocationalt":"/news/industry/antibiotics-for-common-childhood-infections-not-effective-in-large-parts-of-world-study/104968624","seometatitle":false,"seo_meta_description":"According to a study led by the University of Sydney, many antibiotics recommended by the World […]

Lung cancer vs infection: How to differentiate between these lung diseases | The Times of India

Lung infections are contagious. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they launch tiny droplets of fluid containing the virus or bacteria into the air. This can be breathed in by others, putting them too, at risk of the infection. The case with Coronavirus is the same, that had led to a long, deadly pandemic. […]

RFK Jr. comes ‘home’ to his anti-vaccine group, commits to ‘a break’ for U.S. infectious disease research

At an anti-vaccine conference in Georgia on Friday, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. confirmed his commitment to the cause and spoke to his base about how he, as president, would serve the movement he built.  “I feel like I’ve come home today,” he said to a standing ovation, crediting the assembled audience with his […]