Category Archives: Insight

False Miscarriage: How a Miscarriage Can Be Misdiagnosed

A miscarriage, a term that resonates with profound sorrow and grief, is a heartbreaking loss of pregnancy that typically occurs before the 20-week mark. This deeply emotional and challenging experience can shatter the hopes and dreams of expectant parents, leaving them grappling with grief and uncertainty. However, in a twist of fate that is both […]

What Is Placenta Previa?

Pregnancy is a journey filled with anticipation and hope, but it can also bring unexpected challenges. One such challenge is placenta previa, a condition where the placenta remains low in the uterus and partially or completely obstructs the cervix. While placenta previa occurs in a relatively small percentage of pregnancies, it is a matter of […]

Freida Pinto Calls Her Postpartum Journey an ‘Intense and Wild’ Ride

“Every mama will have a different journey, but every one of us will have some hill to climb,” the new mom wrote on Instagram. Actress Freida Pinto’s recent Instagram post sheds light on her postpartum journey and the profound impact it has had on her life since welcoming her first child, son Rumi-Ray, in late […]

What Is Preeclampsia?

The miracle of pregnancy brings with it a multitude of physical changes, and sometimes, unexpected challenges. Among these challenges, preeclampsia stands out as a formidable adversary. Preeclampsia is a serious hypertensive disorder that primarily arises during pregnancy or in the immediate postpartum period. While it is characterized by high blood pressure, it extends its influence […]

What Is Tokophobia? New Survey Finds Majority of US Women Have a Fear of Childbirth

Childbirth, a momentous and transformative event, is often regarded with a mix of excitement and trepidation. However, for many women in the United States, childbirth triggers an extreme and debilitating fear known as tokophobia. This fear, exacerbated by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, has recently come to the forefront of maternal mental health research, […]

Pregnant Without Knowing It: What Is a Cryptic Pregnancy?

Cryptic pregnancy, a phenomenon where an individual is pregnant without realizing it, is a complex and intriguing aspect of reproductive health that has fascinated researchers and healthcare professionals for centuries. While it is a relatively rare occurrence, cryptic pregnancies happen more frequently than one might assume, and they continue to challenge our understanding of pregnancy […]

Are People Who Are Pregnant Immunocompromised?

Here’s what healthcare professionals have to say and what it means in terms of COVID-19. Pregnancy is a profound journey, one marked by excitement, anticipation, and, often, a heightened concern for the well-being of both the expectant mother and her developing baby. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, these concerns have been further amplified, […]

How I Got Relief from Unbearable Sciatica Pain During Pregnancy

Here is one individual’s experience with unbearable sciatica pain during their third trimester of pregnancy. As a mother of two energetic small children, my daily routine primarily consisted of sitting on the floor with them or tirelessly cleaning it. However, when I reached the 34-week mark of my third pregnancy, the simple act of standing […]

Unexpected Ways Pregnancy Changes Your Hair

We asked experts what to expect of your hair when you’re expecting. Pregnancy is an extraordinary journey marked by numerous physical and emotional changes, many of which are widely anticipated, such as the growing belly, fuller breasts, and radiant skin. Yet, there’s one aspect of pregnancy that often goes unnoticed until it begins to manifest […]

Side Effects of Ovulation

From skin changes to how you dress, ovulation may affect you in some surprising ways. Each month, for approximately 24 hours, the enigmatic process of ovulation unfolds within the intricate tapestry of a woman’s reproductive cycle. During this fleeting interval, an egg is released from an ovary, embarking on a journey through the fallopian tubes, […]