Category Archives: Insight

What To Know About Zinc Supplements

You may have heard about zinc’s role in supporting immunity and might wonder if you should take a zinc supplement. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that you get your zinc from food rather than a bottle, and there are essential reasons behind that advice. In this comprehensive exploration of zinc’s role in our […]

What Is Glucosamine?

Within the complex landscape of dietary supplements, glucosamine stands out as a natural wonder produced by the human body itself. This remarkable substance plays a pivotal role in the formation of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans, the essential building blocks of cartilage—a resilient connective tissue shielding our bones and joints from the ravages of wear and tear. […]

When Does Menopause Start—And How Long Does It Last?

The answers will be different for everyone. Menopause, a pivotal phase in a woman’s life, carries an air of mystery for many. While it’s a shared experience, the journey through menopause is as unique as the individual traversing it. The wealth of information, sometimes conflicting or confusing, that surrounds this natural transition often leaves us […]

Having Regular Sex May Delay Menopause, According to Researchers

Experts explain why women who have sex more than once a month go into menopause later. The study, which was published in the Royal Society Open Science journal, discovered that women who said they had sex weekly were 28% less likely to have gone through menopause than women who had sex less than once a […]

What Is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause, often referred to as the “menopausal transition,” is a transformative phase in a woman’s life, signaling the body’s natural progression towards menopause. Menopause, the defining moment when menstruation ceases for 12 consecutive months, marks the culmination of this transition. While the average onset of perimenopause occurs in one’s mid-40s and spans approximately four years, […]

Men Are More Likely to Die From Melanoma—But Why?

Melanoma, a perilous form of skin cancer, looms as a significant health threat. If left untreated, it can infiltrate deeper layers of the skin or even spread to vital organs, culminating in life-threatening consequences. Furthermore, the prevalence of melanoma is on the rise. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, there is a projected 4.4% increase […]

What Is Menopause?

Menopause is a significant and natural biological process that marks the end of menstruation in individuals who experience it. This transformative phase in a woman’s life is driven by hormonal changes, primarily a decrease in estrogen and progesterone production. While menopause is an inevitable part of the aging process for those who menstruate, it brings […]

18 Signs of a Migraine

How can you tell if you’re having or about to have a migraine? Look for these signs. Migraines, affecting approximately 12% of the U.S. population, are recognized as one of the most prevalent headache disorders. However, the impact of migraines transcends the boundaries of mere headaches. Migraine episodes are often accompanied by a multitude of […]

10 Foods That May Trigger a Migraine

Alcohol, cured meats, and aged cheeses all might bring on one heck of a headache. Migraines, those debilitating and often excruciating headaches, are challenging enough on their own. However, navigating the labyrinth of potential triggers can make managing migraines feel like an overwhelming task. To complicate matters further, the landscape of migraine triggers is highly […]

What Are Night Sweats—And Why Do They Happen?

Night sweats, characterized by excessive sweating during sleep, can be a disruptive and uncomfortable phenomenon. This condition can drench your clothes and bed sheets, often leading to interrupted sleep and a sense of discomfort. Night sweats can affect individuals of any age and are a common occurrence. According to a 2020 review published in American […]