Category Archives: Insight

Here’s Something Completely Different for Low Back Pain

The approach to back pain has evolved over the years, posing a question that has perplexed generations of patients and doctors. In the early 1980s, during my medical school days, the recommendation for severe back pain often involved bed rest for a week or more, sometimes even requiring hospital admission. However, research emerged, challenging this […]

Lessons from a Chronic Pain Management Program

A Journey of Healing: Navigating Chronic Pain with Spaulding Rehabilitation Network Last week, amidst the tranquil midnight hours, I found myself reflecting on a profound chapter in my life—a transformative experience at Spaulding Rehabilitation Network. This program, a beacon for individuals in the greater Boston area grappling with chronic pain, offered more than a conventional […]

Where to Turn for Low Back Pain Relief

When confronted with the discomfort of low back pain, you might find yourself contemplating the appropriate course of action. Dr. Robert Shmerling, a rheumatologist at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, provides reassurance: “In most cases, you won’t need a specialist.” When pain strikes Low back pain can stem from various sources, including muscle or […]

What to do with that Foam Roller at the Gym?

The foam roller is a simple yet effective self-myofascial release tool that can offer various benefits. It is commonly used as a form of self-massage to release tension and tightness in muscles, improve flexibility, and potentially enhance recovery. What is myofascial release? Myofascial release techniques, including foam rolling, aim to target both the muscles and […]

The Surprising Side Effects from Using Technology

As you’ve become proficient in texting, emailing, and web surfing on your smartphone and computer, you may have unknowingly encountered an unexpected side effect. Dr. Tamara Rozental, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in hand, wrist, and elbow disorders at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, notes that there is an increasing number of patients developing injuries […]

Pain and Neuromodulation: What’s All the “Buzz” About?

Chronic pain presents a perplexing challenge for both pain physicians and those grappling with persistent discomfort. The complexity arises from the individualized nature of pain experiences, making it difficult to comprehend, treat effectively, and endure. Frustration becomes an unwelcome companion in the daily lives of those contending with chronic pain, often driving desperate individuals to […]

Careful! Scary Health News Can Be Harmful to your Health

Captivating narratives are inherently attention-grabbing, as our biological inclination responds to storytelling. However, it is crucial not to let the allure of a compelling story impede sound health decisions. Consider three recent news accounts featuring individuals with commonplace symptoms, each ultimately revealing a severe medical condition: 1. A young mother, disregarding persistent headaches for months, […]

Should You See A Chiropractor for Low Back Pain?

Back pain is a pervasive issue, with approximately 85% of people experiencing back pain that prompts a visit to a doctor at some point in their lives. Despite its prevalence, identifying the precise cause of back pain can be challenging, and there isn’t a universally agreed-upon optimal treatment for most cases of low back pain. […]

The Bumpy Truth

Discovering a new lump or bump on your skin can be a cause for concern, prompting a wave of worry about its origin and potential implications. The realm of dermatology is teeming with various growths, each with its unique characteristics, and navigating this landscape can be perplexing. Understanding the nuances of these skin anomalies is […]

An Inside Look at Body Fat

As men traverse the journey of aging, their metabolism undergoes a natural deceleration, resulting in a gradual slowdown of calorie-burning processes. This metabolic ebb is accompanied by a decline in testosterone levels, potentially culminating in reduced physical activity and, consequently, a diminution in muscle mass. Compounding these factors is the common occurrence of men exceeding […]