Category Archives: Medications

7 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes

A surprising number of over-the-counter and prescription meds can cause dry eyes. Insufficient tear production can lead to sensations of dryness, grittiness, burning, or stinging in the eyes, among other discomforts. Dry eye syndrome, a chronic condition surpassing transient dry eye episodes, can arise from various factors, including potential medication-induced effects. This prompts consideration: could […]

The Risks and Benefits of Going Off Antidepressant Medications

A cornerstone in addressing depression lies in the realm of antidepressant therapy. Approximately 7 million adults within the United States are recipients of pharmacological interventions, constituting a key facet of the multifaceted approach to depression management. The efficacy of these medications in alleviating depressive symptoms is evident, yet it’s crucial to remain cognizant of potential […]

Osteoporosis Drugs: Which one is right for you?

Throughout our lives, our bones undergo constant renewal through a process called bone turnover. Osteoclasts break down and remove old bone, while osteoblasts lay down new bone. After menopause, bone removal accelerates, and the pace of bone formation may not keep up, leading to bone loss and the development of osteoporosis—a condition characterized by weakened […]

Acetaminophen Safety: Be Cautious But Not Afraid

With the onset of cold, cough, and flu season, it’s crucial to be aware of the risks associated with acetaminophen—the pain and fever reliever present in Tylenol and various other over-the-counter medications. While billions of acetaminophen doses are safely consumed annually, accidental overdoses still lead to fatalities, and many individuals find themselves in emergency rooms. […]

Low Back Pain Attacks: One Pill may be enough

A study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association examined the efficacy of adding muscle relaxers or narcotic pain relievers to the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) naproxen (Aleve) for individuals seeking help for severe low back pain in an emergency room setting. The research involved 320 participants, and none exhibited symptoms indicative of […]

Some Medications Don’t Help Back Pain as much as we thought

Back pain is indeed pervasive, affecting a significant portion of the population, and it represents a substantial burden on healthcare resources. The economic impact and the personal toll it takes on individuals in terms of suffering, disability, and missed work underscore the importance of effective management and treatment strategies for back pain. As you mentioned, […]

Opiates No Solution to Back Pain

In recent times, there has been a continuous flow of reports highlighting the risks associated with opiates, encompassing pain medications like codeine, Percocet, and OxyContin. While the adverse effects of illicit drugs such as heroin on lives and health are well-documented, the emerging concerns revolve around the dangers posed by prescription pain medicines. These medications, […]

Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers and your Heart

Ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as naproxen, have long been considered the “benign” choice for pain medication among both doctors and patients. Their non-addictive nature and the perceived difficulty of overdosing contributed to their popularity. Serious side effects, like gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding, were thought to be limited to high doses over […]

Opioid Drugs May Not Help With Long-Term Low Back Pain

Opioid painkillers are frequently prescribed to address the challenges of chronic low back pain. Nevertheless, a comprehensive analysis encompassing 20 trials, disclosed online on May 23, 2016, by JAMA Internal Medicine, has brought to light that these medications deliver only modest and short-term relief. Within this scrutiny, 13 placebo-controlled trials were conducted, involving 3,419 individuals […]

Are Antidepressants Also Pain Relievers?

Were you aware that antidepressant medications are commonly recommended for individuals who do not have depression? Indeed, it is a fact. Antidepressants are regularly prescribed to address chronic pain, particularly pain associated with nerve diseases (referred to as neuropathic pain), persistent discomfort in the lower back or neck, and specific types of arthritis. Surprisingly, some […]