Category Archives: Pain

The Reality of Fibromyalgia

They’re not fakers. People with fibromyalgia know it’s real, even if it’s misunderstood. Individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia frequently encounter the challenge of not feeling fully acknowledged by their medical practitioners, who might underestimate the validity of their condition. This ailment falls within the category of hidden illnesses, wherein the symptoms do not consistently manifest visibly […]

Chronic Pain Overview

About 20 percent of American adults, or 50 million, deal with some form of chronic pain. Disability, lost work days, excessive healthcare expenditures, and poor health are all linked to having a chronic pain condition like fibromyalgia, migraines, or low back pain. Prescription opioids have been widely used to manage chronic pain, but their use […]

9 Things You Never Knew About Chronic Pain

Headache, a stiff neck, and tense muscles everywhere; yeow! You probably aren’t unfamiliar with common aches and pains. The CDC reports that one-quarter of the American population has experienced discomfort that lasted more than a day. However, you don’t need to let a tight back or bum shoulder slow you down since you can do […]

CDC Releases New Prescription Opioid Guidelines for Treating Pain

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new guidelines for prescribing opioid painkillers, aiming to provide more flexible and individualized approaches to pain care. The guidelines no longer include a recommended ceiling for opioid dosage and encourage healthcare providers to consider non-opioid therapies as the first line of treatment. The revised guidelines […]

The Best Medications to Treat Back Pain

You are not alone in finding that your typical OTC pain reliever is no longer effective for your back pain. Up to 23% of individuals experience persistent low back discomfort, per a 2018 review published in American Family Physician.1 It might take time and some trial and error to discover the proper treatment for back […]

14 Drug-Free Ways to Ease Chronic Pain

It is not always necessary to resort to opioid prescriptions or over-the-counter medicines in order to find relief from chronic pain. It’s never simple to cope with suffering. However, at least you can rest easy knowing that the discomfort you’re feeling right now is just transitory whether it’s the result of anything like the aftereffects […]

What To Know About Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body since it is a ball-and-socket joint. The shoulder is easily torn or injured due to its range of motion. That’s why a lot of individuals worry about developing shoulder discomfort at some time in their life. However, the intensity of your discomfort may range from […]

Signs and Symptoms of Stomach Flu

Stomach flu, also known as viral gastroenteritis, is characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining. It’s important to note that the symptoms of stomach flu are distinct from those of the actual flu caused by influenza viruses. While influenza primarily affects the respiratory system, stomach flu is caused by a gastrointestinal virus, leading to symptoms […]