The Risks and Benefits of Going Off Antidepressant Medications

A cornerstone in addressing depression lies in the realm of antidepressant therapy. Approximately 7 million adults within the United States are recipients of pharmacological interventions, constituting a key facet of the multifaceted approach to depression management. The efficacy of these medications in alleviating depressive symptoms is evident, yet it’s crucial to remain cognizant of potential […]

Why You May Be Nauseous After Eating and How to Stop It

Frequently, post-meal nausea is a transient phenomenon that naturally subsides. Nevertheless, should these symptoms endure or intensify, they might signify an underlying issue such as food allergies or a digestive ailment. Addressing the source, one can manage nausea through tailored dietary adjustments, pharmaceutical interventions, or alternative therapies. The pivotal step towards alleviation lies in identifying […]

Why Global Warming Is a Serious Threat to Our Mental Health

The warmer it gets, the more likely people are to report problems such as depression and stress. The global mean temperature has experienced a notable ascent of approximately 1 degree Celsius (equivalent to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since the preindustrial era. Furthermore, there exists a projected potential for an additional half-degree increase by the year 2030. […]

Home Remedies to Relieve Heartburn

Mild cases of heartburn can be treated at home. Here are a few remedies to consider. Heartburn presents as a distressing and fiery sensation that often emerges just beneath or behind the sternum. In excess of 60 million individuals in the United States undergo episodes of heartburn on a monthly basis. This uncomfortable phenomenon is […]

The Scientific Reason Why Some People Experience Depression After Surgery

Postoperative depression is a common complication of surgery, though it’s rarely talked about. Embarking on the journey to rectify abnormal cervical cells, Emma Wolf, a young woman of 27, encountered an unforeseen emotional descent. In the wake of a surgical intervention deemed minor in nature, the invasive aspect left a reverberation she hadn’t braced herself […]

How is Dry Eye Diagnosed?

More than 16 million people in the U.S. have dry eye. A questionnaire and comprehensive eye exam can get you a proper diagnosis. Dry eye, often referred to as dry eye syndrome or dry eye disease, is a prevalent ocular condition stemming from inadequate tear production, resulting in insufficient lubrication for the eyes. This leads […]

7 Foods for Depression

Incorporating more of these healthy foods into your diet may boost your mood naturally. A multitude of factors contribute to the onset of depression, encompassing genetics, hormones, illness, and stress. Additionally, your dietary choices play a significant role in influencing your susceptibility to this mental health condition. Certain foods have been linked to potential benefits […]

Acid Reflux Signs and Symptoms

Here’s a quick overview of acid reflux symptoms as well as the signs you need help. Acid reflux, medically identified as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), is a prevalent physiological occurrence wherein the contents of the stomach regurgitate into the esophagus—a muscular tube connecting the stomach and the throat. This phenomenon takes place when the lower esophageal […]

How Long Can You Go Without Pooping?

These symptoms should signal you need to see a healthcare provider for constipation. The regularity of bowel movements doesn’t necessitate a daily occurrence. However, constipation arises when individuals experience a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements compared to their usual pattern, which could potentially be as infrequent as three times or fewer per week. […]

8 Signs and Symptoms of Opioid Overdose and What To Do

If a person shows these signs, consider it an emergency and act quickly. Prescription opioids such as oxycodone and hydrocodone, along with synthetic variants like fentanyl, are legally available, while illicit opioids like heroin are obtained illegally. Despite their varying side effects, a common peril unites all opioids: the potential for overdose. Between 2021 and […]