Man (49) claims he suffered catastrophic injuries from fungal infection acquired during surgery in Blackrock Clinic

A 49-year-old man who claims he suffered catastrophic injuries from a fungal infection allegedly acquired while undergoing a heart procedure at Blackrock Clinic has brought a High Court action for damages. The High Court on Thursday granted lawyers for the man an order so their engineers can inspect the theatre complexes incorporating operating theatres 4 […]

Scientists inch closer to single-shot gene editing cure for blood disorders

What is the best way to fix faulty blood cells, and do so for the most people? That’s the question a horde of gene editing researchers are chasing. A new paper in Science offers an idea.  Researchers loaded up lipid nanoparticles, the tiny clusters of fat, with cellular instruction manuals in the form of mRNA […]

LeukoStrat CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay Is Approved to Help Identify Patients With AML Who Are Eligible for Quizartinib

LeukoStrat CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay Is Approved to Help Identify Patients With AML Who Are Eligible for Quizartinib The FDA has approved the LeukoStrat CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay to help identify patients who are eligible to receive treatment with quizartinib (Vanflyta). Quizartinib was recently approved for patients with newly diagnosed FLT3-ITD positive acute myeloid leukemia (AML).1 That assay is a […]

People in the US passed swine flu to pigs nearly 400 times in 12 years

A pig having its snout swabbed to test for viruses M.Marti and A.Grimes, USDA People have passed swine flu to pigs at least 370 times over 12 years in the US. Better understanding how the virus behind the disease moves between humans and pigs could help to reduce infections and ensure vaccines stay effective. Swine […]

Cincinnati Four-Year-Old Blood Recipient Celebrates Life Milestone With Annual Blood Drive

Brynn Schulte has blood donors to thank as she celebrated turning four years old with her annual birthday blood drive. Brynn and her mother Lindsay Schulte recently visited the Hoxworth Blood Center in Blue Ash to thank donors for their selflessness. Brynn was diagnosed with Factor XIII shortly after she was born in 2019. Factor […]

West Nile virus found in 13 areas of Canyon County, up from two in early July

Of the 1,200 mosquito pools tested in Canyon County thus far in the 2023 mosquito season, 21 pools have tested positive for West Nile virus. CANYON COUNTY, Idaho — West Nile virus has been detected in 13 separate mosquito testing sites in Canyon County – up from two positive cases documented on July 5. According […]

Umbilical cord white blood cells developed to advance cancer treatment

<div data-thumb="" data-src="" data-sub-html="1. Expansion of leukemia targeting CBγδ.(A) Average (± SEM) fold expansion of CBγδ over 21 days in REP cultures (n = 6). (B) CBγδ subtype composition before and after in vitro expansion. NS, not significant. (C) Average proportion of CBγδ with differential cell surface expression of CD45RA and CD27 over 21 days […]

Suspect arrested after beloved family man shot, killed in ‘targeted act:’ Eustis police

Man arrested for murder in Eustis, police say A suspect has been arrested for the murder of Wseni Laguerre, a beloved family man who was shot and killed in a “targeted act” in Lake County earlier this year, Eustis Police Chief Craig Capri announced during a news conference Thursday. The crime was reportedly the first […]

Illicit drug use is involved in nearly one in three sudden cardiac deaths in young adults

image: Approximately one-third of young adults in Victoria, Australia, who experienced sudden cardiac deaths (SCDs) outside of a hospital setting from April 2019 to April 2021 used illegal drugs prior to their fatal events. view more  Credit: Heart Rhythm Philadelphia, July 27, 2023 – Approximately one-third of young adults in Victoria, Australia, who experienced sudden cardiac […]